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Monday, 14 September 2015

Jeffrey Sloan " pitbulls don't need to be trained to fight" (wtf?)

Well the Dbo cultists like Jeffrey Sloan are self proclaimed experts and on any given day can be found sprouting his so-called statements of fact thus re-enforcing his commitment to the hate of pitbulls and confirming his status among his fellow cultists as they all compete for the attentions of the Dj and the Psychic.

Jeffrey Sloan I agree Jeff - it's a serious misunderstanding to assume that pit bulls must somehow be "trained to be violent" when the facts of the matter clearly indicate that no such training is required. The old "all in how you raise them" myth is responsible for a whole lot of pain. People have a false sense of security because they raise their pit bull with love and affection. and having drunk the kool-aid, they "socialize" it and do all the right things - and one day the pit bull turns on and does what centuries of selective breeding have pre-disposed it to do, and they are dumbfounded, standing helplessly while their well-behaved "family pit bull" tears apart a victim and will not stop.
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It's a serious misunderstanding to assume that Jeffrey has the slightest clue what he's talking about he also perpetuates the lie that pitbulls attack without indication or signs which is utter nonsense as with the majority of Jeffrey's claims.

A quick google search 
= "About 1,070,000 results (0.50 seconds)"
Example 1..

Training a Fight Dog - HowStuffWorks

The process of raising and training fighting dogs is also cruel and harmful to animals. The specific breeds used in dogfighting are usually American pit bull  ...

Example 2..

Myths and Facts About Pit Bulls - Petfinder

It is a fact that Pit Bulls are one of the most maligned and misunderstood dog breeds in ... Unless a Pit Bullhas been poorly bred or purposefully trained toattack  ...

Example 3..

Pit Bulls: What's Hype, What's Not - WebMD

If it isn't about an attack on a child or a shooting by police, it's a tale of neglect or abuse. ... It says, “A well-socialized and well-trained pit bull is one of the most  ...

Example 4..

How Do You Train A Pit Bull 2 Fight? - Blurtit

Answer (1 of 18): Well I used to fight dogs pitbull are a strong breed and they are pretty fast so to make a good fighter out of a pit you have to train him since hes ...

Example 5.. - Pit-bull training for fighting with a cat

Sep 4, 2014 - Pit-bull training for fighting with a cat. A man who creates dogs for fights, cockfights, trains agility with their dogs live cats. Where comes the ...

Now I'm no dog expert so I rely on information from the internet as do most people wanting to research a subject and the volumes of information is astounding and the fact that Jeffrey chooses to limit his research to results from DBO, DF's, Cravens etc seems to be indicative of typical pro Bsl advocacy.

Jeffrey do us all a favor and avail yourself to the million or more responses to the search relating to dogfighting and training fighting dogs so as to not expose yourself as being either too lazy to properly research the subject or to resolved to killing pitbulls to care?

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