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Sunday, 13 September 2015

William Johnson plotting aginst shelters and rescues

I've seen posts of Silly Willy getting his customers so drunk they fall asleep on the bar and he then takes embarrassing pictures of them and laughs about his victims while sharing the pictures with his hater mates and assuming there's laws preventing this type of behavior from individuals gamefully employed in the hospitality for instance in Australia it's illegal for a bar tender to serve someone who is "drunk".

Willy latest brain child is to attack rescues to try and ultimately have them shut down as with Jeff, Harve and co Willy doesn't care if other innocent animals perish in their campaign against pitbulls, rescues and shelters.

Never, under any circumstances, bring a pit bull into your home. Why take the chance? Shelters today are more concerned with their live release rate than public safety.
PATCHOGUE, N.Y. - Stephen Neira says he wanted to give a dog a second chance at life. Newsday says Neira bought Alex, a pit bull mix, on Thursday after seeing...
  • 32 people like this.
  • Mary McKee Shelters have been doing this for years. This dog was obvious though so the people who adopted this land shark were idiots. A lot of times though they try to fool the public by saying the dog is a Lab mix or a Boxer mix and so on. So unknowing people adopt a pit mix and the shelters could care less.
  • Sarah May I wonder how much money they made from the adoption?
    • William Johnson Pit bulls in Philadelphia are basically free. I doubt NYC is much different. Although they probably get grant money from organizations like Best Friends and Animal Farm Foundation for upping the live release rate. I know that ACCT Philly does.
    • Sarah May There is a money factor with pit bulls. It is totally irresponsible what they did.
    • William Johnson The last time I was at ACCT Philly I went to inquire about the status of a pit bull involved in a mauling case. As the manager was telling me that they wouldn't hesitate to put down a dangerous dog, I pointed to the young lady behind the desk wearing a...See More
    • William Johnson I think I'll go down there today and check out the inventory. They're always so happy to see me. Lol..
    • Sabra Steele Far more money in donations then in adoption fees....
    • Susan George Also, they are getting fees for the same dogs, over and over.
    • William Johnson Shelter was completely full. There was 1 chi, other than that it was all pit bulls.
    • Lynne Smith Unbelievable - you would think the shelters that are euthanizing all these pit bulls would be begging for MSN.
    • William Johnson Lynne Smith, ACCT Philly had a live release rate of 71% in 2014. They euthanized 2,475 dogs in 2014. I can only assume they were almost exclusively pit bulls because that's over 99% of the population every time I go. The interesting thing about the 71% that made it out alive- less than 25% were adopted by families. The rest were transfered to other organizations. ACCT Philly kills more dogs than they adopt out.
  • Julie Wall Shelters and rescues are asking people to play Russian Roulette with their families except for one thing, families do not know they are playing. This family should have been educated about a ‘break-stick’ to have on hand in case of an incident just like this one. So far I have not seen one rescue or shelter admit that if you adopt a pit bull you need a break stick. If you can't even accept you need a break stick with a pit bull then you should not be re-homing or owning one.
  • Liza Mae Barrier Aggression. This spin-doctored term is akin to Dog Selective. It is utter BS. They sugar coated this dogs aggression problems, as they often do, and look at the result! Their lies resulted in a horrific attack for this family. She could have been killed! The people that push these animals are the idiots.
  • Olivia Wyatt If I was that father, I would hire an attorney and sue the hell out of that rescue! They knew that dog was dangerous. America needs some new laws-------if a dog rescue provides any dog and that same dog attacks or bites the client-----A $50,000. fine will be charged to the animal rescue, by the city. If the client has suffered any medical bills, that money will be used towards that, minus a $25.00 processing fee. That will stop many deadly dogs from being rehomed.

And as you can see Julie is still trying to flog off those excess breaksticks she has laying around, Olivia is chiming in with her fruit loop ideas honestly these people conduct themselves like terrorists, they bully, harass, defame, and vilify any one who opposes Bsl because it's there one shot at killing all pitbulls.

These people seem to have talked themselves into believing any/every negative pitbull story and do little to nothing to confirm news articles prior to launching into a frenzy quite often including victims of non banned breeds as pitbulls and in a number of cases newspaper headlines have been changed with the norm being to include a ten year old child hit and killed by a train in with the "pitbull" victims because the family pet that looked like a pitbull was with the child at the time of the accident.

They have to resort to the lies and propaganda with a typical example being to lump 20-25 or more breeds in one group and have them legally defined as "pitbull "type"" dogs all the while totally ignoring victims of non banned breeds by promoting legislation that only protects the community from a particular "type" of dog as opposed to protecting the community from all dogs????

If this problem was refined to a "breed/type" of dog problem because these dogs are bred to fight and it's in their DNA (blah blah blah I don't care if I go blind doo dar) answer me this Willy, how is it that other non fighting breeds of dogs do, can, and have killed humans or even fight for that matter?

All dogs have to be trained regardless of what they were bred to do just google training a herding dog on google and you'll find thousands of responses and the same goes for bird dogs etc etc etc and even with all the proper training some dogs can't do what they were bred to do and some other dogs do stuff they were never bred to do. (in some cases dogs do things dogs have NEVER been bred to do for instance has any breed been bred to save people from fires?)

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