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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Jeff Borchardt recruiting for his hate campaign against rescues and shelters, facebook remove him and his hater followers?

Jeff Borchardt is rallying the troops and planning more social terrorist campaigns against animal shelters and rescue alike after being frustrated by people throwing his "life saving" pamphlets on the ground.

I've never heard of a pamphlet saving anyone's life and having seen the pamphlets I can't see how one of those propaganda pamphlets is going to save anything or anyone and maybe the local council should charge Borchardt for having to clean all the rubbish up as I imagine most of them would have ended up on the ground or in the garbage for obvious reasons.

I'm not going to respond to every comment on this post from the Dj there's just too much madness there as you see if you try and read it the jist is that he knows picketing shelters puts all the animals at risk but reckons it's worth it to kill the pitbulls.

Or was that Harve (Hairbrain) Morgan?, now there's a lying POS if I've ever encountered one. 

So true. So when will those in the rescue business start to be held accountable for pushing dangerous and unpredictable fighting breeds into our communities and our homes? When do we get to reverse laws that Animal Farm Foundation pushed for that are a proven failure?
Do you think shelters like Lakeland Animal Shelter will listen to the victims stories then? Or will their volunteers at the Walworth county fair still snatch our life saving fliers out of people's hands and toss them in the trash?
...And rescue groups, shelters, and pit bull advocates need to be legally responsible for the pit bulls who maul and kill.
  • 36 people like this.
  • Sarah May This past pit bull adopt/attack yesterday was lucky in the sense that no one was killed!
  • Jeff Borchardt Our next step ought to be protesting shelters. I'm dead serious. Right now they think they're wearing the white hats. Suddenly make them think they're wearing the black hats and see how fast they change their tune.
  • Jeff Borchardt There is nothing stopping us from standing across the street with banners, signs and blow horns.
  • Jeff Borchardt I can imagine if enough people started doing this, the news media would give us some coverage.
  • Jeff Borchardt "What do we want?! Mandatory S/N of all pit bulls! When do we want it?! Before anymore Americans are killed by pit bulls! "
    "What do we want?! Stand with us and support BSL in the form of mandatory S/N!! When do we want it? Before another 3000 pit bulls are euthanized today!"
  • Sarah May The victims and unsuspecting a families adopting pits deserve some honesty.
  • Jeff Borchardt "What do we want? Stop pushing the nanny dog myth!! When do we want it? TWO frickin' years ago when BADRAP said it was not true!"
  • Jeff Borchardt Let me know if anyone is interested in this idea. Just wait for the next pit bull promotion day at your local shelterDaxtonsfriends.comcould donate a portion to help supply signs.
    Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership,...
  • Jeff Borchardt Anyone live near Bengall, NY? Blow horns across the street. I think Jane would have a cow.
  • Paula A. Schneider we're in! now, do you have law enforcement friends, who you can ask if everything is legal? Love it! in particular our local one! wink emoticon there could be so much more said...
  • Jeff Borchardt We as Americans have the right to assembly. We just have to obtain the proper permits.
  • Harve Morgan I would like to see protests at shelters promoting pit bulls even though I am against protests at shelters, it does hurt the other animals. In this case, I would support it if it is done because of pit bulls. The shelters are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they don't adopt out pits, the No Killers will be all over them, making them look bad to the public. This harms all the pets in shelters, it drives away adopters because no man will take his kids to a shelter to see barrels of dead pits, etc. Shelters are hard pressed these days by No Kill. I say that until we kill the roots of No Kill, we aren't going to get far with other issues.
  • Jeff Borchardt I think we need to put pressure on the shelters until they stand with us and support BSL in the form of mandatory S/N of all pit bulls. I agree it's not fair to the other non fighting breeds. But this has just gotten out of hand. The shelters are dumping WAY too many resources into pit bulls.
    • Harve Morgan The shelters don't set the policies, they follow the policies set by elected officials. Most shelters are not their own department, they fall under public health or the police dept.
    • Jeff Borchardt You are right about that. But the way these shelter workers treated me last weekend makes me doubt the elected officials are well informed enough to make the right decision.
    • Harve Morgan And by the time anyone gets to them with the right info, they are entrenched in No Kill. Like in Delaware right now, the officials aren't going to come out and say they made a massive mistake, they are putting band aids on it. I hit candidates running...See More
    • Jeff Borchardt We don't have lobbyists. Usually by the time we even know about it, it's too late. The back door deals are already done.
    • Harve Morgan Get to them while they are running for office. There's many ways to get your foot in the door. Most people have to work for a living, they don't have the time. That is what others depend on. Make every city council meeting, every county meeting, join the Chamber of Commerce and get on the governmental affairs committee. Go to the networking parties by the Chamber, engage, engage, engage.
    • Harve Morgan When you get to the point where elected officials know you by name, then you become effective.
  • Paula A. Schneider i have toured a local shelter quite a few times and i have seen the scared looks on kids, adults as they walked very fast, past the snarling pb's! I think there would be MUCH relief if the shelters STOPPED taking them in! I'm sure there would be an increase of their donations then, from a respectful group!!
  • Jeff Borchardt That's the other side of this. When they're in public or asking for donations, they don't show pit bulls. For example at the fair last weekend. Huge tent with a nice sign of cute, little, happy doggies. Not a pit bull pictured anywhere even though we all know how many there are in there. Same thing with the HSUS commercials. No pits featured or shown when asking for money.
  • Paula A. Schneider We also know the time and money spent on housing these beasts~ which takes so much space away from other sweet needy breeds!
  • Paula A. Schneider a disgusting example~ we stopped at the shelter a few months back, and we spotted a cute little pug with a very swollen infected leg!! I notified the desk people and their reply was: yes we know but he has to wait till next week to go to the vet! Guess what they were busy doing? Promoting and parading pits!! I got on the net immediately to contact pug rescue folks. That little guy was vetted and had to have his leg amputated!! I know where their loyalties lie frown emoticon
    • Susan George Looks like they "rescue" smaller dogs for their pit bulls to "play with". They need to be charged with animal cruelty.
    • Paula A. Schneider They said it was surrendered in that shape:( the owners couldnt afford to vet it~ still! it sat far too long without proper attention! If it had been vetted sooner, he probably wouldn't have lost his leg:(
  • Lisa Trujillo What about the private rescues. These are the one I see sneaking these "death row" dogs from other states and housing them in their own house or via fostering. 
    I agree Jeff Borchardt, something needs to be done. Where I live there Is all kinds of fund raisers, ie golf tournaments etc. For the hsus. I wonder what people would do if we counter acted and had fund raisers for victims of dog attacks.
    • Susan George People need to start reporting any "rescue" happening in rental properties/homes. No sane insurer or land owner would knowingly allow this, so chances are they don't know.
  • Jeff Borchardt "Since the ban has been in place, bites are down 73 percent from pit bulls," said Cheryl Conway, a spokeswoman for the city's animal care division ...
    "There hasn't been a human mauling in many years. Complaints and requests related to pit bulls are do
    wn 50 percent"...
    According to city documents, before the ordinance was enacted in 2005, up to 70 percent of kennels in the Aurora Animal Shelter were occupied by pit bulls with pending court disposition dates or with no known owner. That number is now only 10 to 20 percent of kennels...
    "Euthanasia of pit bull dogs is down 93 percent. Of those few that are put down, they are primarily those that come in as strays and their owners don't come to claim them." - Cheryl Conway, Aurora Sentinel, March 2014
  • Harve Morgan Before the Hayden Law in CA, most pits were euthanized in the shelters. They didn't adopt out many at all. The Hayden was the beginning of no kill/No Kill. No Kill has gone on to develop CAPA, Companion Animal Protection Act. Delaware passed it, we have defeated it in other states so far. It has now been reintroduced in Florida. THIS is the root of the problem. No Kill prevents our shelters from doing what is in the best interest of the public and animals now. No Kill looks great on paper and therefore people buy into it easily. And that is why so many pit bulls are out there now. The prize belongs to those who yell the loudest and thus far, No Kill has yelled the loudest. Yell back at No Kill please.
  • Christopher Landauer Oooh, Thomas Sowell and deflating pit bull propaganda all at once. Nice.
  • Susan George Accountability needs to be criminal, as the current offenders don't even know the meaning of the word "civil". Civil accountability after the fact is the very thing has led us so far astray of public safety.
  • Susan George Protest the SHELTER? Yes! I'm in! This crap shelter of ours has pit bulls at their pet events with "blame the deed" signs, and the pit bulls tied to a card table! It is OK to bring our dogs to these events, but I'm not that stupid! It isn't safe, and we know it. In this way, the Breed is Bullying all of us!
  • Harve Morgan The shelters are responding to officials and those officials are drinking the koolaid of No Kill. The reason they are is because no one is there to explain that No Kill doesn't work. Take No Kill out of the equation and you will get where you want to go. Protesting shelters hurts all the pets there, not just the pit bulls. Place the blame where it belongs, at the feet of those elected officials who want the shelter to be No Kill.
  • Susan George OUR SIGNs should say NO KILL is KILLING US! Let's go to the most effetctive place with our signs ,and speak out. There is a bully voice that has been drowning out the voice of reason for too long.
  • Harve Morgan When you see an item concerning animal control on the agenda, that is the time to protest. When you do it in front of the shelter, adopters turn away and pets can lose their lives. YES, my sign would be that No Kill is Killing Us.

Now as you can see all the links are live so if it's blue and turns your arrow cursor into a little hand pointer it's a link. 

These posts and comments are taken directly from their hate groups un-edited contrary to what the haters try and maintain regarding editing.

It's quite clear that the Dj intends mounting a social terrorism campaign against both shelters and rescues which does not come as a surprise considering the type and style of advocacy this man promotes including bullying, stalking, poisoning pets and making in-appropriate sexual remarks/comments to a 12 year old girl.

Facebook in the interests of protecting all your users and maintaining your duty of care to those users please remove these people that seem to be using your social network as a platform to launch and co-ordinate social hate campaigns against other users, rescues and shelters.

Jeff have you helped any "actual" victims or have you blown all the donations on billboards and newspaper ads attacking pitbulls?

It's only a matter of time before he gets himself hauled before the courts considering his tactics I for one won't be surprised but relieved. 

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