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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Jeff D Borchardt bad at maths

Jeff D Borchardt promotes himself as a grieving father turned community safety advocate whereas he's just a very dangerously ignorant man out for revenge on a breed that wasn't even involved in the tragedy he and his wife endured the fact is Jeff chose to leave his child with that woman in spite of having concerns about her "boxer mixes" and his son paid for his fathers poor choice with his life and now he wants to blame everyone and anyone else for his poor judgement. 

Despite the fact he claims to have the support of the majority of the community the real truth is he has little to no support at all, below is a copy and paste from his page.

There's 54 people out of a population of 317.1 million people talking about his page, hi page has been active for 2 and a half years and has 625 likes out of a population of 317.1 million citizens!!!

It seems Mr Borchardt may well be delusional or he's just sucks at maths?

People Talking About This

This is a perfect example of the Dj's dog knowledge, Am-bulls are not pit bulls... 

American Bulldog History

History / Origin:
"American Bulldogs are descended from ancient Mastiffs that originated in Asia and were brought to Europe by nomads.

Around 400 A.D. a second very tough strain of Mastiff reached English shores. This dog was called the Alaunt. English butchers and farmers turned the Alaunt into the world's first true Bulldog."

Anyone can identify a pit bull you say Jeff?

"Sherman, one of the four dogs without Staff or American bulldog in his analysis. He is Irish setter, chow chow and Great Dane (and Trish Loehr thought a bit of bunny, too)!"

*****PLEASE SHARE*****
Who Can Identify a Pit Bull? A Dog Owner of 'Ordinary Intelligence' Say the High Courts
Why This Myth Must Be Destroyed
The myth that it is impossible to identify a pit bull or that only an "expert" with a suitcase of science can achieve this task must be discredited. Nowhere do the high courts make any presumption of "expert" knowledge being necessary to identify a pit bull. Specifically, the high courts state, "a dog owner of ordinary intelligence can determine if he does in fact own a dog commonly known as a pit bull" and the "American pit bull terrier is a recognized breed of dog readily identifiable by laymen."
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That decision has recently been revised and Jeff either doesn't know or chooses to acknowledge it...

And there's plenty of cases that have been successfully repealed you'll please note the meme quotes cases from the 90's , 25 years ago?

"But experts say most dogs commonly referred to as a pit bull are either a mix of other breeds or are pure-bred of a breed often misidentified as a pit bull.
“People say you know a pit bull when you see one, but do you really?” asked Lisa Peterson, spokeswoman for the American Kennel Club, which tracks pedigrees of dogs back to 1884."

Jeff really needs to start telling the truth....

"The Maryland Court of Appeals on Aug. 21 ordered that all references to mixed and cross-bred pit bulls be removed from its controversial April opinion in Tracey v. Solesky.
The original decision declared the breed and mixes of the breed inherently dangerous and held landlords strictly liable for damages should a pit bull or pit bull-mix attack."
Jeff having a wine about Disqus moderating his comments and the thing is they only do that if people are flagging your comments.
I really hate this Disqus forum. Some of my comments get automatically approved, some don't. When I think my comment has been approved and I hit refresh, it's gone. POOF! So if this doesn't work, I'll post my entire comment on my public figure page "Jeff D. Borchardt" on Facebook. I'm not the one insulting people here either. Which makes me wonder what guidelines I am not following to have my comments put "on hold."
And this is where the majority of donations to Daxton's friends seem to be going with the Dj paying for bill boards on the side of a highway somewhere and the true irony is in spite of insisting that any person of average intelligence can identify pit bulls he has used a picture of an American Bully which isn't a pit bull! lmao! 
Jeff D. Borchardt updated their profile picture.
June 18
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When he's not fishing at lake Michigan he tours his bill boards even getting one at a bus stop which helps victims how especially considering the picture is not a American Pit Bull Terrier it seems his advocacy is more about him getting his 5 minutes of fame and I'd be keen to hear of any "actual" victims he has helped if any?
Jeff D. Borchardt updated their cover photo.
June 18

One of Jeff's public safety advocacy posts in the name of community welfare or as we normal people call it,,, propaganda.
Jeff D. Borchardt added a new photo.
June 2

All of Jeff's sources and promotions involve "Bloggers" there's not one legitimate dog or animal expert that contributes to his campaign and in fact most reputable animal experts and organizations alike dispute all of the Dl's ramblings.
Jeff D. Borchardt shared a link.
April 8
Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness believes it is important to stay informed on current affairs and issues relating to animal welfare and public...
Now Jeff has founded this non profit allegedly in the interest of community safety and in honor of his dead son (RIP DAXTON) who he pimps out to garner the sympathetic vote from prospective recruits, the page is a propaganda laden hate  and revenge driven social tool created to eradicate pit bulls and vilify pit bull owners and their children.  

As you can see this is hate driven propaganda not advocacy in any way shape or form.

As you can see this man is not a community safety advocate he's a revenge driven fanatical grieving parent and the fact is his son died as a result of his baby sitters negligence and inept trauma care techniques.

Jeff has an extensive criminal history and so does his baby sitter the dogs involved suspiciously became pit bulls on the day of the tragedy after having been listed on all their vet reports as "boxer mixes" for the 2 years prior to the day of the incident.  

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