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Friday, 4 September 2015

Dorian Meyer--"I'm wondering what if anything you all carry on walks to defend your animals in case of a dog attack. I currently carry pepper spray but wonder how effective it really would be in the event of an attack."

Dorian Meyer is a fully bonifide card carrying member of the Anti-pitbull  militia. She/he has the terminology down pat and typically the only "Public" she is interested in saving is herself

I think Dorian is more interested in making money as opposed to community safety as the majority of victims are the young and the old all of whom would not have access to this technology and if they did probably wouldn't be able to use it?

I'm wondering what if anything you all carry on walks to defend your animals in case of a dog attack. I currently carry pepper spray but wonder how effective it really would be in the event of an attack. I did have a taser but gave it to a friend and haven't replaced it yet. I wonder if an instant tranquilizer is on the market somewhere that is legal and ethical yet acts instantly?
Found out a neighbor is "fostering" multiple known to be aggressive pibble butts. They've already growled at my son when he knocked on their door.
  • 4 people like this.
  • Clarice Larson A bite/break stick for prying their mouth open. A camping stake apparently works too and u can get them cheap at like REI. 
    I carry bear spray. Will be getting a camping tent stake. If you hurt them after they've bitten, they only bite harder. That's why u need the strong stick. 
    Also, if they're disoriented, they might stop biting. So a fire extinguisher or even putting a blanket over them might get them to stop.
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Clarice Larson An instant tranquilizer is a great idea!!! Lol
    3 hrs · Edited · Like · 2
  • Doryan Meyer I'm not skilled with a break stick though. frown emoticon

    Out of all the pibble attacks I've watched, it seems like once they unlatch they go back for another go around. Relentless that's why I'm wondering if anyone carries a tranquilizer gun and if it's legal? 

    Thinking about developing one and marketing it if there isn't one available.
    3 hrs · Like · 2
  • Clarice Larson I'll buy it! Lol 
    I was thinking that too. That they go back for more. They're messed up. 
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Doryan Meyer Yes, they do. That's how a lot of human attacks happen, when the human successfully separates the victim dog from the attacking dog and the dog turns their focus on the human.

    With lax laws regarding dangerous dogs and the refusal/inability of local officials to enforce existing laws combined with hobbyists breeding for more "gameness", it's up to us to protect ourselves.
    3 hrs · Like · 2
  • Doryan Meyer A gun often won't even stop an attack, sometimes it requires multiple shots. Not everyone feels comfortable packing heat, which is understandable which is why I'm looking into the tranquilizer option.
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  • Elizabeth Honce A Glock 19 works for me. NM is an open carry state but I have my concealed carry license, so either way. Nothing really stops a pit bull besides a bullet.
    3 hrs · Like · 3
  • Doryan Meyer I support gun rights but I'm looking into developing an option that the majority of people will be comfortable with. smile emoticon 

    Pain can cause an adrenaline spike which sometimes further enrages the animal. That's why you hear of the attacks that take mutipl
    e shots to bring it down. 

    Also with pibbles in particular, they will latch and hold pretty calmly, leaving their rear end exposed. A traq delivered via the muscle tissue on their hind quarters would seem to be very doable.

    I've been studying this issue for many years and this problem will be getting much worse.
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Clarice Larson Ugh!! Why is it going to get worse? My 12 year old papillon poodle just got killed by a bully type dog.
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  • Colleen Long That recent attack that happened in NC, I think the cop shot the pibble 5 times without effect, finally killing him with a shot to the head. Unbelievable. Like a machine, more like Frankenstine.
    3 hrs · Like
  • Doryan Meyer It's going to get worse, in short, because people are mindless morons who happily swallow propaganda. More and more people are accepting dog aggression as "normal" and okay. I've talked with dozens of pit bull type breeders and even though dog fighting is illegal and they claim they don't participate, they do NOT breed away from DA and seem confused when I ask why they do not. Some feebly claim that breeding away from DA will reduce workability. I breed working dogs myself, which are not DA so I know personally that DA is not needed to have a working animal.

    I want to give dog owners an ethical, socially acceptable way to fight back and protect their animals. With pibbles being bred to scale huge fences, your fence will become obsolete.
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  • Doryan Meyer Clarice Larson I am so very sorry for your loss. frown emoticon
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  • Doryan Meyer Also with the baby boomers coming of age, small breed dogs will become largely favorable. Small breed dogs often fall prey to sweet lil' pibble butts.
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  • Julee Lawrence I carry a kitchen knife and if I can hear my neighbors dogs in her yard, I will carry my gun. I always have it just inside the front door just in case they decide to come in my yard and attack my pets again. Usually tho, we just don't go out front. frown emoticon
    3 hrs · Like
  • Doryan Meyer Hmmmmm seems like I'm right, we need a better option.

    Guns can also be dangerous if you're not a good shot and again, pain can further enrage a pibble. 
    ...See More
    3 hrs · Like
  • Julee Lawrence I've thought about that as an option for the police with everything going on.
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  • Doryan Meyer Even though this topic isn't normally brought here, I foresee another huge tragedy happening in the dog world. The coat pattern that is called "merle" has exploded in popularity. Although beautiful, it has a horrific downside. 2 dogs that carry the merle gene will produce litters where around 1/4 of the pups will have potentially have vision/hearing loss. Merling is being brought into many different breeds and we are seeing more and more unplanned mixed breeds carrying the merle gene. A dog is genetically merle even if he/she has the slightest, tiniest spot of merle. That dog is as merle as my beautiful purebred blue merle Aussie. Within the next 10 years, we will see an explosion of blind/deaf dogs who will be even more at risk of being a dog attack victim due to reduced senses.
    2 hrs · Like
  • Doryan Meyer Police, animal control and people managing dog parks!
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  • Kirstin S. Freet Is he fostering through a rescue?? Any dog KNOWN to have HA needs to be put to sleep ASAP and the rescue can be held liable if anything were to happen. If you can figure out the name of the rescue he's fostering through that would be awesome so I can let them know how stupid and irresponsible they are.
    2 hrs · Like
  • LeeAnn Fuller It has gotten worse...what should be a block and around the corner walk to and from school for our grandchildren, has turned into a drive to and from more walking, no more playing outside for those children...backyard, even though a new 6' wooden privacy fence has been installed, has to be scoped out due to the fact tat 2 pits did dig under previous fence and we know could happen again.... Prisoners in our own homes....several pits banging at the fences trying to get out....sad, sad situation
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Dennis Ballance Sr A 357 mag works for me. Nc is open carry but I suggest a ccw . All drugs take time to work a pit can do a lot of damage in a minute. Short of a gun bear spray and a good sharp knife that locks open due to the blade length of most pocket knives stabbing may not be the best option. No matter what you decide to use have a plan and plenty of practice with its use
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • Doryan Meyer Yes, that is something to consider. It takes time to set in but I wonder if even within a minute, it would calm enough to prevent further damage? I suspect gun laws will become more and more strict. frown emoticon If you are skilled with a weapon and are willing to carry, more power to you! I am looking to give an another option to those that can't carry (due to laws, moral reasons, not skilled enough etc.)
    2 hrs · Like
  • Doryan Meyer Kirstin S. Freet, that's a good idea! As you know though, HA is very well tolerated in the pibble world. That's when they rehome to a home without kids, men etc.
    2 hrs · Like
  • Julee Lawrence I say go for it! But I wonder what could happen if it were in the hands of criminals, rapists...
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  • Doryan Meyer Julee Lawrence that thought popped into my head too. I know that dogs don't use the same type of medicines that we do so maybe there is something out there that only works on dogs? I am just now looking into this so I am not sure.
    2 hrs · Like · 1
  • LeeAnn Fuller Yes I did see that Doryan Meyer...we try to be very alert after our grand daughter was mauled and their boxer killed ...2 seperate attacks, 3 different pits in less than 3 months time
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  • Doryan Meyer I'm very sorry to hear that. frown emoticon The scary thing is, once they start it's so hard to stop the attack. That's why it's troubling that the general public thinks you just need to be in the same room as the dog and child to prevent an attack. You can be an arm's length away and the child will still get mauled if the animal is triggered. It's so very difficult to stop an attack in progress.
    2 hrs · Like · 2
  • LeeAnn Fuller Yes Doryan Meyer...these were all neighborhood pits.... Unfortunately our town is full of them
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  • Julee Lawrence We have a case here locally where a pit mix was running loose and came home shot with a BB gun. The animal rescue nut balls are in hysterics over it and calling for the person to be strung up! So, if your pit gets out, threatens or even attacks me and I defend myself i really can't admit to defending myself or they will demand "justice" for animal cruelty. Look at the pit in the news lately found stabbed.. The nutters went bonkers! Most likely it attacked someone and now that person has to keep quiet. Best to go ahead and dirt nap them so they don't get the chance to do it again..
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  • Doryan Meyer Julee Lawrence I know exactly what you mean which is why I am very motivated to design something that will help us fight back. This product would be more PC than straight up shooting a pibble. I suspect the nutters still won't be happy because I believe many secretly enjoy the fact that they own a powerful animal and the idea that a small shot in the pibble's butt rendering them powerless will make them cranky.
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  • Sheri Mobley I carry an asp baton in each hand, looks like I am walking with light weights unless extended, but I don't know how well I could defend myself against a pit bull.
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  • Sheri Mobley After reading all the comments, apparently there is not much we can do to really feel safer from these freaks.
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  • Doryan Meyer Sheri Mobley that's why I feel like a traq is the only way. Hitting, shooting, etc seems to enrage them or not even affect them in any way. After watching countless videos of attacks on people and other animals, there is little that'll stop them. I really feel that a traq will be a good method.
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  • Sheri Mobley I would try anything if I could feel free to walk my city streets again instead of being limited to the walking trail.
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  • Doryan Meyer We live in a different world. Dog bites/fatalities used to be so rare and now they are accepted as normal.
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  • Kimberly Cowley I heard that wasp spray will temporarily blind them, so the victim can have the chance to get away. But after the attack on my daughter and my boxer being killed by pits I never want to be close enough to one. It's sad when my 5 year old comes home and says it was a good day at school because the pits didn't come on the playground. She shouldn't have to be scoping out the playground to make sure they aren't there. But she knows 2 live right across from there and are always jumping up on the fence and barking while they play. Even leaving our front door she looks all around before getting in the car. It's been over a year since her attack and I'm afraid it will be a long time if ever that she will ever feel like a normal little girl that goes outside to play.
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  • Dennis Ballance Sr I think the laws on who can use and administer drugs will be a hard thing to get past plus traq are weight dependant on dose
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  • Doryan Meyer Dennis Ballance Sr that's what I'm looking into right now actually. Benadry is legal and will calm down dogs although it won't knock them out. It's hard to OD on benadry, at least in humans.
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  • Dennis Ballance Sr I hope you can come up with something but dealing with the fda is long costly process
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  • Doryan Meyer Thanks. I'm looking into Benadryl. This can be given through the muscle. It's cheap and has been around for awhile and is routinely used in people and dogssmile emoticon
    1 hr · Like
  • Alice Powell Alice Haefke Merritt Clifton recommends a fire extinguisher if you don't have a gun. He says knives don't often help much and I don't think he recommends pepper spray. The fire extinguisher startles them sometimes and if you can get the stuff in their mouths, it really impedes breathing for a while and if you run out of stuff you can use the can for a bit of defense. He recommends having fire extinguishers in several locations. I don't have a gun but would like one. I went to a friends recently to comfort her in the loss of her son and a rellie was there with a pit.... who didn't like me hugging her and they were restraining it while it growled at me and stared at me. I bought them a MUZZLE. :0) And once it arrives in the mail I will give it to them and ask them to please put it on the pit whenever me or my family are around. I plan to buy more muzzles and also for my family. That way, if someone they know has a pit or pit mix, they can tell them come to the car and get the muzzle and put it on your dog before I come in. I looked for a strong large muzzle.
    55 mins · Like · 2
  • Eve Sylvie Taser and pepper spray - you have to let the dog get really close to you to use it, and then what if it doesn't work?
    38 mins · Like · 1
  • Dennis Ballance Sr My first choice a gun my second a knife with bear pepper spray as a aid

This post is a typical post on an alleged "Public Safety Advocate" facebook group called "Dangerous Dogs" where  they claim to be trying to raise public awareness etc etc whereas you quickly come to the realization these people don't care about community safety, they hate pitbulls and quite often trade stories on how to kill them and get away with it.

Dangerous dogs check it out.

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