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Friday, 4 September 2015

Giovani Zorbo can identify Pitbulls

Giovani obviously has some strange ideas about Public safety Advocacy and tends to post one liners with a MEME generally using gory pics (without permission most times) the fact is in order to make the stats support their argument they’ve had to bundle some twenty or more breed in to one “type” of dog call them “Pitbulls”.
  • 3 people like this.
  • Giovani Zorbo Sharks get a bad rap. LOL!
  • Susan George SO funny! Hate beine lied to by greedy people who put their morbid fascination with deadly dogs above public safety? Sick of seeing the m hide a dog’s attack history & guilt some young family with kids into taking it home, just to push their agenda? Yep. We hate that stuff. Guess we’re “haters”. LOL
The typical post to be found in your average hate group and a recent trend is on slow weeks they change headlines to say pitbulls where they once said dogs etc & labelling every dog involved in an attack as a “pitbull” regardless of how it looks and there’s at least one incident where a young boy hit by a train was noted as a “pitbull’ victim because the family pet that looked like a pitbull was with the boy at the time.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that these people care about Community safety because they only care about making what they call “pitbulls” extinct.
Find this post and many more just like it at “The Pit Bull Problem”

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