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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Marc Brown is a special kind of stupid!!

Marc Brown is either really stupid or he's a flat out liar you be the judge please read Marc's conclusions and then compare that to the actual facts, the two have little in common but that's nothing new when your talking about DD culties like Marc Brown.

They seem to be a notch above the rest when it comes to their willingness to lie and make up stuff one the worst being the group's creator Lynn Smith who lists victims of trains as pitbull victims they're all a special kind of stupid. they're not above stalking victims profiles stealing , Meme'ing and then posting their pictures all over social media.

Mark Kerbs is a known pit bull fanatic, who would rather see six children die than put down even a single pit bull. ‪#‎markkerbs‬
Note that the pit bull fanatics began talking about "some serial killer might be on the loose". Yes, namely the two pit bull type dogs that routinely roamed, one of which had already attacked a child. This type of dog has killed 161 North Americans in the past six years. In the same period, it mauled or killed at least 252,000 harmless animals. If that's not serial killing, then I don't know what is.
I'm also baffled why police are so surprised that neighbors didn't bother to report seeing these two roaming maulers dead. Why don't police understand that a neighborhood is always relieved when someone or something (in this case the train) takes care of bulldogs police refuse to remove?
Hamilton police said Monday that the case regarding possible animal cruelty in the death and decapitation of two dogs found on railroad tracks last week.
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  • Heather Jackson No , it was a blessing , the hand of God smile emoticon an early Christmas gift for the neighborhood.
    Like13 hrs

Now Marc uses the old foamer trick of using a link to make a post and selectively cherry picking the facts he wants and leaves out the stuff he doesn't want people to know for instance according to Marc, the owner of the dogs is Mark Kerbs and he''s a nutter and the dogs had bitten before when in actuality this is what happened...

 "Butler County's dog warden, Kurt Merbs, said Scrappy was being harassed by children and sprayed in the face with water until he broke free and bit the girl."

And who was the owner of the dog that bit the girl? well it wasn't Mark Kerbs!!!!

"Scrappy's owner, Kari Walters, received a citation for failure to control the dog, Merbs said, but he was not going to be put down."

Just another of many daily advocate fails from you favorite hate group Dangerous dogs

If you do happen to visit their group please refrain from commenting as they will stalk, bully and harass not only you but your family, friends, employers and landlords these people are seriously disturbed they are perpetual victims whose only mission in life is to eradicate all dogs starting with what they call "pitbulls".

The irony of all this is these people are promoting legislation to ban a breed that doesn't actually exist hence the lack of support from both animal organizations and the legal fraternity.

In 2014 there was 25 DBRF's allegedly involving "pitbulls" in essence the dogs involved could have been anyone of the 25 or more breeds defined to be "pitbulls" so let's examine this further, there's no way to estimate the combined populations of all those breeds annexed under the legislation but estimates have the American population of American Pit Bull Terriers (an actual breed) at 4-6 million pets.

Does it make any sense whatsoever to sentence 5,999,975 dogs to death because of the actions of 25 individual dogs that may or may not have been APBT???

The fact is not one, yes you heard me there's not been one fatality involving an actual "papered legitimate" American Pit Bull Terrier.

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