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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Harve Morgan recruiting for another attack.

Harve is actually Pat and she infiltrates rescues and shelter and then secretly plots within her hate groups to not only disrupt their activities but to bully and harass volunteers all in the name of advocacy.

The latest tack of the Anti Pit Bull Propaganda seems to be to disrupt rescues and shelter anyway they possibly can with Harve (Pat Dunaway) giving everyone the address of one of the local "chief bylaw officers" and recruiting them to join him/her in her hate campaign.

"A lot of the attacks that we're finding are committed by dogs that have come in from outside of the province, in particular California," said Don Brown, chief bylaw officer for the Capital Regional District's Animal Care Services. "Seems to be there's a lot of dogs coming in from rescue groups."
And what dogs have primarily been sent up from California?
"He doesn't emphatically say a specific breed of dog is associated with the attacks, however, many have involved pit bulls."

The Capital Regional District says it's seen a spike in dogs attacking other dogs and people this summer and it believes it knows what is behind the increase.
  • 5 people like this.
  • Comments
  • Sue Palen CA is dumping their garbage, but the rescue groups in Victoria should stop taking these dogs. I don't put all the blame on California.
    Like420 hrs
  • Eve Sylvie Don't they have dogs of their own to rescue? If not, I know of some Golden Retrievers in Turkey!
    Like320 hrs
  • Sarah May Pit bulls are equal opportunity maulers. They don't care what country they are in.
    Like220 hrs
  • Harve Morgan I'm working a large Canadian rescue group that includes these transporters.
    Like219 hrs
  • Harve Morgan I wish you guys knew about this transport problem. Yes, aggressive pits are being shipped all over. Pits with a disclaimer from the shelter that they can only be removed in a crate, not safe enough for a leash. I uncovered a 'dump' house a couple of weeks ago and had it busted. All the dogs were being drugged, kept in crates, and being transported.
    Like318 hrs
  • Sarah May The more I learn Harve, the more disgusted I am with pit bull pushers.
    Like218 hrs
  • Harve Morgan I contacted Don Brown in the article. No much of a response. Thank you for your email. We look after Animal Control for 9 municipalities here and we have notice a large increase in dog attacks. Several (3 I know of for sure) were from dogs that have been brought in from California. Unfortunately we do not keep breed specific attack data. We bring in 400-500 dogs every year and are able to either return to owner, foster or adopt almost all of them. In 203 we put down 7 dogs, in 2014 6 dogs. To the end of August we have put down 9 dogs, including a pit bull from California. The message we are trying to send is for people to adopt dogs from reputable breeders or shelters and not to buy dogs that they do not know the history of and this includes dogs from rescue groups or from private citizens in newspaper ads. Don Brown
    Chief Bylaw Officer
    Capital Regional District
    (250) 474-3351 (21)
    Like217 hrs
    • Carol Ashley He's right, there are certain breeds you do not adopt without knowing their history.....I see many rescue shelter people posting PB's pleading for a rescue and everyone of these posts say didnt pass eval, is just scared, I could pet him, he took treat...See More
      Like113 hrs
    • Harve Morgan I'm sending the CFIA info on transports, they don't seem to care.
      Like11 hrs
  • Sarah Howard I think the problem is bigger than pit bulls and is world wide. Korea and Romania are in the circle.
    Like116 hrs
  • Harve Morgan Sarah, those numbers are nothing to compare with the trucks rolling out of CA daily.
    Like116 hrs
  • Harve Morgan Even Best Fiends is in the transport business. The ASPCA just announced their transport program. But this is the type of transports that we need to worry about.
    Like316 hrs
  • Merritt Clifton Merritt Clifton, editor of Animals24-7, will be interviewed by radio host Frank Stanford of CFAX 1070 in Victoria BC at 9:33 am tomorrow (9/22/15) discussing pit bull traffic from the US to British Columbia.
    Like310 hrsEdited
    • Harve Morgan I asked Roszan to get you for the show. I had been in contact with them about the transport issue of pit bulls to Canada. Wish you well on the show.
      Like9 hrs

It's hard to believe anything Lynn Smith says as she recently was involved in changing headlines from "dogs" to "pitbulls" because the dog wasn't a pitbull and also included a young boy that was hit by a train in with pitbull victims because the family pet that happened to "look" like a pitbull was with the boy at the time

As you can see when Harve drives his crazy train into the group all the members jump straight on and despite not living in Canada many of them will email and attack the local legislative bylaw officer.

Rescue organizations are established "businesses" dedicated to the welfare of their cause. Animal rescue organizations, like any organization, are open to business reviews in our social-media driven society. All rescue organizations should offer transparency in their operations, financing and any interactions with the community. BEWARE of rescues engulfed in negativity; always research and inquire! Many rescues handle complaints in a professional manner and are open to explanations, however, red-flag any rescue organizations who bully, become defensive or who plague the community with accusations. Incidents can and DO occur but the manner in which this are handled speaks volumes for any business and organization; professionalism and acknowledging faults goes a long way. Support positive rescues; do your research.
‪#‎stoprescuefraud‬ ‪#‎therescuecode‬

These people don't care if disrupting rescues and shelter operations only serves to cost innocent needy animals their lives after all they're "just dogs" according to these people who seem willing to ignore the fact that their actions in supporting Bsl are the cause of the elevated death toll in America 2014.

Promoting the lie that only pitbulls kill people lulls parents and citizens into a false sense of security as to their non pitbull type dog is not a danger to them or their children whereas the many deaths involving non banned breeds coupled with a well above average death toll in 2014 confirms the danger in perpetrating such a lie in the community, many breeds and types do can and have taken human lives in the past and until we come up with a comprehensive plan instead of the infantile  laws attacking a particular breed or type of dog the death toll will continue to rise.

If you think all victims matter please don't ignore victims of "non banned" breeds like the Breed Specific Legislation proponents and vote for "owner' specific approach to dog control?

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