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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Julie Wall "big tobacco companies bank rolling the pitbull lobby" (WTF?)

When she's not advising people to act illegally in so far as her "breakstick" recommendations which are not only most likely to get you locked up but if you're naive enough to try and use one you're most likely to get yourself badly injured.

Well Julie's taken another tack now and is claiming to have discovered a "link" between the infamous "pitbull" lobby and "Tobacco" industry confirming long winded conspiracy theories from the brain child at the heart of, Culleen lynn who is not a dog expert nor does she claim to have any special knowledge and/or experience with canines. (other then being bitten once)

This is an important post -- it destroys the sham BSL calculator created by a former tobacco economist, John Dunham, and hawked by Best Friends. The sham BSL calculator has NEVER been scrutinized by the media, unlike Dunham's other calculators and studies. It has been online harming this cause since 2009 (on a local and state level).
Ledy VanKavage from Best Friends knows she has to hide Dunham's name -- the media hates former tobacco lobbyists. The most important thing you can do when you see the results printed is to write the journalist, "Are you aware this 'calculator' was created by former tobacco economist John Dunham?" Then provide some links to other Dunham calculators and studies that the media has panned.
The blog tracks U.S. dog bite fatalities, dog bite statistics, severe pit bull attacks, breed-specific dangerous dog laws and dog bite victims' issues.

 Hopefully Julie has given away her dangerous breakstick promotions as she was putting people in danger with her reckless advice as many experts advise against the use of breaksticks for many reasons.

It's no surprise to see the Boofhaed Dj supporting this type of attack on legitimate animal organizations as he seems to use victimization as one of his main tactics in his war against pitbulls along with stalking and bullying women and children, advising people to poison their neighbors pet with anti-freeze if it looks like a pitbull & telling adolescent teen girls to engage in acts involving pitbulls and peanut butter etc.

I didn't click on the link because it's a dogsbut link and they don't use legitimate sources and generally they cherry pick the facts they want selectively editing them to give the appearance of confirming their arguments whereas further thorough research soon reveals dogsbut equals nothing but propaganda.

Which is not surprising considering there's not one actual dog expert on the payroll at dogsbut the creator is an ex-phone PSYCHIC, their data  and stats come from a washed up never was journo that uses media with little confirmation done and absolutely no accreditation nor will he allow his data to be reviewed which in itself speaks volumes as to it's legitimacy.

Please don't be fooled by their fanciful conspiracy theories it's just another cog in the wheel of their fear mongering revenge driven social terrorism hate campaign.

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