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Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Jeff Borchardt litters local fare grounds with Daxton's pamphlets

Well considering Daxton's friends supporters have to download and print their own flyers one has to wonder what happens to the actual donations?

When the local shelter wouldn't subscribe to his lunacy he decided to attack the local fair with his pamphlets the majority of which would have ended up on the ground as litter. (who has to clean up your mess Jeff?)

The grassroots awareness is my favorite part.
Jeff BorchardttoThe Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness fliers on ALL these cars at the fair since the Lakeland Animal Shelter didn't seem to care (or learn) about the victims of pit bull attacks.

Just read some of the comments, Annie Cowan Brown even stooped to stashing pamphlets inside magazines at her local mall Patti Twist was nearly overwhelmed when one lady put the pamphlet in her purse! 

Pame ashley do you have the victims permission to use that pic or is this just another example of Bsl proponents using victims pics without their permission?

I think the local council should charge the Boofhead Dj with cleaning up the mess he made with 99% of the pamphlets ending up on the ground or in the trash what an absolute waste of donations?

Have you actually manged to help any victims Jeff or do all the donations go to giving you your five minutes of fame?

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