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Saturday, 31 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby - The Dj can dish it out but he can't take it!!!!!

Jeff's off on one of his hypocritical rants typically cursing and threatening a woman, as you can see he claims she's "slandering" him whereas she's asking a question that everyone's probably wanted to ask him.

A lot of people are wondering not only why wasn't she charged but how can this man still be friends with this person considering she took his son into the yard with her dogs even after Jeff expressly forbid such activities and as a direct consequence the child lost his life.

Insert yourself into my life and make slanderous statements about the circumstances involving the brutal mauling death of my child, you will be made an example of. You nasty, disgusting POS. I hope you rot in fuc*ing hell.
"Susan's clothes were drenched in Dax's blood. Some of that blood was also her own, injuries incurred while fighting off her own dogs. The second ambulance that arrived was for her. When it reached the hospital, doctors were still working to stabilize Dax's heart for the helicopter flight. Coincidentally, one of the nurses at Mercy working on Dax was a woman that Susan had known from childhood. After her shift and returning home, she learned that Susan was the babysitter."
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Mia Johnson Cheating with the nanny? What a freaking bizarre comment. Can we say "projecting"? That is cruel and stupid.
Like11 hrEdited
Jeffrey Sloan They always accuse you of what they do
Like41 hr
Mia Johnson I see she has 4000 friends and half of them have a pit bull as a profile picture. Lost cause.
Like655 minsEdited
Lydia Martin People will stoop low
Like355 mins
Jaime Brunkan Dial Shameful. Those two girls made a complete mockery out of themselves. One apparently knows way more than I do about the night my dog died. Jokes.
Like146 mins
Chris Smith I would talk to a lawyer over that.
Like442 mins
Nathan Barrett Who cares? Let's pretend you were for a second. That has no bearing on the attack. It's irrelevant.
Like136 mins
William Johnson I've been reading this same shit for over 3 years and I'm feeling generous tonight so here goes Paula, here's how the criminal justice works in a nutshell, pay attention.

Dax was killed by 2 pit bulls belonging to his babysitter. A local law enforcement agency, in this case the county sheriff's office conducted an investigation. They then pass on their investigation to the prosecutor for the county. This person, not Jeff, not Jeff's wife, not anyone else has the power to bring charges in the case.
Like121 mins
S.J. Martin You're too nice! Logic and facts obv don't matter
Like120 mins
Jaime Brunkan Dial Way too deep for these two ladies...they won't understand.
William Johnson I really tried to keep it simple.
Like118 mins
Jaime Brunkan Dial Please don't ever go!! You are making a difference, I promise! We do it for Dax!
William Johnson The thing is that they all say the damn thing. Doesn't one of these morons know how the system works? Are the all really THAT stupid?
Jaime Brunkan Dial I think Dennis Baker is still over there waiting for the Tater girl to debunk dogsbite!
Like8 mins
S.J. Martin Jeff Borchardt basically everyone
S.J. Martin They are losers.
Jaime Brunkan Dial They are absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to converse with....these two are a prime example. I truly had no.idea where they were going with some of their comments.
Like113 mins

As you can see Jeff's friends have come to his aid stroking his head and calming him down giving him the attention he so craves defending both his actions and those of the baby sitter in spite of the fact she got Jeff's child killed.

A witness working near to where the tragedy occurred claimed to have heard a commotion but mistook it for children having a snow ball fight so where was the urgency during this brutal alleged 15 minute attack which left a 14 month old infant with fatal injuries.

So not only does Jeff still consider Susi Iwicki a friend he's made her a "founding friend" on his website he created in honor of "Daxton"to promote canine education and awareness.

The first policeman on the scene found the dogs still roaming around and the babysitter was on the phone and refused to hang it up and when asked where the victim was she motioned to another room where the officer found the victim laying naked alone in a pool of his own blood clinging to life struggling to breathe.

How long had this poor little man been left laying their like that in contrast to all the victims trauma response manuals which state quite clearly to cover the victim and stay with them until help arrives and this woman couldn't even do that!!.

Founding Friends

Source..... Daxton's Friends

This whole calling boxer mixes pit bulls thing is to distract us all from the reality of the situation and something just doesn't seem right with the stories we've heard after all the baby sitter gave investigators 3 different versions of the one event.

How if at all did the complete lack of trauma care measures after the attack while still in the "care' of the babysitter affect the child's chances of survival & was she an accredited babysitter with suitable trauma, first aid training at all?

The fact is the infant was attacked and killed by her two dogs while in her care hence people feel she should have been charged with negligent homicide but I think the thing that puzzles people the most is Jeff's making her a founding friend of the site meant to honor the child she got killed.

Now that Susi has jumped on the pit bull hate train and engages in the same sort of advocacy as the rest of them she earned her victims card.....

more to come.....