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Friday, 23 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby demonstrating their standard operating procedure, block & bully! Put up or shut up JB!

A friend recently PM'd me this screen shot of Jeff D Borchardt 's post directed at me challenging me to debate him there's only one problem he has me blocked so how did he expect me to ever see this challenge?

The fact is relied on the fact that I wouldn't see it that's how he works he blocks people and then attacks and belittles them knowing full well they'll probably never see it and he has five Facebook profiles that he shuffles between as the need arises..

Now having seen this post I responded in a post on my Facebook page accepting Jeff's challenge and asking him to name the place and time, it's been a full day and Jeff has not replied.

Now this is exactly how JB works he blocks you then he challenges you then when you don't respond he struts around like a pigeon with his chest poked out as if he's won something whereas his victim is totally unaware they've even been challenged.
Well someone screen shot this post and I'm here to formerly accept your challenge just name the time and place?
Get ready for nothing but the sound of crickets as this coward won't respond because he knows too well he has no legitimate facts, stats or information all of his so called stats come from fake scientists and statisticians.
It's time to "PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!".

One of his fellow Anti Pit Bull Lobby members has taken it upon herself or under instruction from Jeff responded to my post with yet more ludicrous unsupported allegations which is the norm when dealing with this group of individuals they deflect as a defense to their short comings and lack of any credible evidence.

Here you go lil buddy, a screenshot you asked for. Let's talk blocking. Every group on your side has blocked me & probably all of us at that. Therefore this makes a joke out of yourself. We are the ones opened to debate but you guys can't handle it. Even my bf finds you insanely funny, his words "Pull up your big boy panties & debate what you believe in & stop being afraid of a woman online.".
Marie McGrath He has this on his page wanting to challenge Jeff but not man enough to unblock any of us. Lol
Like27 hrs
Marie McGrath Waiting to see if he's man enough to reply to my pm to him. I am a patient person.
Like27 hrs
Jeff Borchardt So is he going to fly to the US to debate me on a public stage? He can't even afford a toothbrush.
Like36 hrs
Dana Renfrow I hope he beat boxes and freestyles n shit. Lol!
Like36 hrs
Jeff Borchardt I was the beat box champion in high school. No joke.
Like2 hrs
Jennie Conway Old bag of wind.
Like15 hrs

Now as you can see (above) at least one of Jeff's five Facebook accounts is working as he's commenting on Marie's post and I obviously don't have him blocked as I can see his comments.

Marie claims to be blocked by me and my page which is ridiculous as I can see her posts and she's been commenting on my page so once again Marie has been caught out in a lie of her own making as if my Terry Holt page had her blocked she wouldn't have been able to post comments to my page.

Marie McGrath commented on a link Terry Holt' shared.
Marie McGrath
December 23 at 2:50pm
Terry, read the report from the police. The dogs were reported as well fed, career for. The police, animal control, as well as neighbors contested to that. Plus the fact that all the above mentioned plus the vet who put them down said pit bulls. You weren't there'.

In this comment she's defending Jeff claiming the dogs involved in Daxtons death were pit bulls in spite of the fact their life long vet records indicate they were actually "Boxer" mixes not the date December 23rd. (email notifications)

I'm really at a loss to understand what Marie is talking about in the comment below, maybe she was a bit liberal with the wine at meal time.

Marie McGrath commented on a link Terry Holt' shared.
Marie McGrath
December 23 at 2:27pm
No one ever said they are skiing 24/7. Many go years without attack. But they do have the fighting trait in their brain that can't be trained or loved out. Bred for fighting just has sheep dogs are bred for herding, retrievers for retrieving, & so on. Other dogs have killed yes but pits kill the most & how they are raised has nothing to do with it. I've seen it for myself.

And another post appeared ironically the time stamps indicate Marie posted the comments to my page and her post claiming she was blocked within minutes of each other Marie and her associates are all bold faced liars they hate pit bulls, their owners and any one who opposes breed specific legislation and/or supports the Calgary Model, I'm in the latter group.

This all started when I called Jeff out on the live science (are pit bulls inherently dangerous) article when he was posting's disinformation and propaganda and he and he fellow haters have hounded me ever since they really don't deal with legitimate science based empirical data and/or information very well and generally turn to personal attacks and stalking.

I'm really not expecting Jeff to respond as he tends to only want to engage women and children and seems unwilling to take on anyone closer to his own size for obvious reasons.

more to come.....

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