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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby trivializing dog bite fatalities that don't involve pit bulls.....

These people sensationalize pit bull attacks and trivialize all other attacks choosing to ignore the 128 deaths that involved non pit bull types during the years 2005 to 2015 and promote legislation that does absolutely nothing to address these deaths yet they call pit bull advocates baby haters etc etc.

Dennis claims to be acting in the interests of public safety but one quick visit to his alleged victims advocacy page confirms he's a fanatic and he seeks vengeance on pit bulls and there's a fair bet the dog involved in his incident was never confirmed to be a pit bull because to my knowledge there's not one recorded death involving an actual legitimate papered American Pit Bull Terrier....

We always hear about killer Chihuahua's and how Pit Bull attacks are the only ones reported. This one is for the Pit Bull Advocates ;)
Chihuahua attack.
Warning Graphic Photos ;)
A spokesman for Grab says the company will reimburse the passenger, Rushdan Eilyaas, for the trip as well as compensate him for his medical bills. 
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Dennis Baker Gee I wonder why these are never reported?
Like413 hrs
Maria Tsotos Tzavaras At first I thought it was a joke lol.
Like213 hrs
Dennis Baker All dogs bite 
Like913 hrs
Olivia Wyatt Terrible attack, and she was breeding those dogs.
Like29 hrs
Lee Swat glad I made it out alive
Like48 hrs
S.J. Martin We need to make a meme with the chi bite pic on the left, and a pit bite on the right, with the title "reported dog bites" and the breed name on each pic. I'm sure someone we know has been but in the same spot.
Like712 hrs
Marie McGrath Hope they don't lose their arm with that king of mauling.
Like411 hrs

The fact is Chihuahua's are one of the more then 30 breeds that have been involved in fatal attacks on humans but obviously Dennis Baker does not respect these people nor does he care about their loss or he wouldn't be doing exactly what he accuses pit bull owners of doing?

These people trivialize any attacks that don't involve pit bulls because in their minds their loss is greater then every one else's and as such their opinions and wishes deserve higher priority then "normal people" as they're "pit bull" victims when the reality is a victim is a victim regardless of the type of breed of dog involved.

You all can see by this post the type of sensationalist fear mongering that is the corner stone of their campaign against both pit bulls and their owners and honestly you cannot believe a word these people say they lie through their teeth in order to achieve pit bull extinction and they obviously don't care who they hurt in the meantime.

Chihuahuas and Small Children – Can They Coexist?

Girl recovering after being attacked by pack of Chihuahuas - KPTV ...

Family distraught as dog kills baby with single bite | UK | News | Daily ...

Mom says no one helped her after dog attacked child - CBS News 8 .

Image result for chihuahua attacks baby
Image result for chihuahua attacks baby
Image result for chihuahua attacks baby
Image result for chihuahua attacks baby
Image result for chihuahua attacks baby

True victims advocates wouldn't make light of attacks that are every bit as traumatic for the victim as any other dog attack they died in some cases and these people despite insisting otherwise obviously don't really care about victims or they'd advocate for all dog bite victims and not just the ones involving pit bulls.

Their advocacy revolves around fear mongering, stalking, and
cyber bullying anyone that exposes the lies and disinformation they promote as fact daily all the while being aided and abetted by an extremely bias media struggling to maintain their grip on readers.

more to come.....

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