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Friday, 16 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby member Clarice Larson plotting against her new bo's pet

Here's yet another example of what these people consider to be public safety advocacy as you can see Clarice has posted pictures of one of her love interests dogs ragging on the dog as it looks like a pit bull apparently according to her.

Now you can lay money on the fact this poor man doesn't know his loved pet is being berated in this way.

Clarice Larson
12 December at 08:51

So last year my little dog got killed by an off leash English bulldog.. which of course turned me into an anti-bully breed person. 
And I'm now dating this (hot firefighter/paramedic) and this is his dog.
SMFH #englishbulldog #pitbullmix
Luckily she's small-ish and super old. 
(Is why I let her be so close to my throat).

Joy Bailey Just be super-vigilant.

Situational awareness is key in dealing with maulers, no matter their age or size. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hopefully you can steer him toward a safer breed after she dies.... ๐Ÿ˜Š
Like412 December at 09:01
Clarice Larson Thanks. Yup. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Well he said he's not getting another dog.
So u think age doesn't matter??!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Like112 December at 09:04Edited
Joy Bailey A woman had an 8-year-old pit that she raised from a puppy and it killed her son. That dog looks way older but you just never know...
Like412 December at 09:26
Clarice Larson Ya the dog can barely move. Thank god. Lol
Like412 December at 09:38
Harve Morgan So you would date a man that makes this kind of selection for a canine, one that should be concerned about public safety? OOOOkay.
Like312 December at 09:04
Clarice Larson He saves lives for a living. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš’
Like212 December at 09:07
Harve Morgan All the more reason to question why he chose a pit bull.
Like1012 December at 09:12
Clarice Larson Haha. Ya I wouldn't have picked it. For sure! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Like112 December at 09:15
Hannah Honey Harve Morgan, maybe he chose a pit bull to save it's life, or maybe it was not so prevalent in his area that pit bulls were killing people.
I'm betting it's an ego thing, though. Some tough guys are all braun, no brain. He could be a mimbo.
Like212 December at 12:59
Clarice Larson Ya I think it's a rescue.. it's pretty small. Like 40lbs. Wouldn't let it around my new dog. That's for sure.
Anne Isacowitz Scarvie One the EMTs who treated me after our pit bull attack told me that she loves pit bulls. In the ambulance no less.
Like413 December at 03:37
Clarice Larson Oh wow. How compassionate..
Like313 December at 03:41
Clarice Larson It's a small dog. And she's old af.. is the only reason I overlook it.
Like312 December at 09:06
Lisa Padgett Yea but - I really like those leggings or whatever they are.
Like612 December at 09:08
Clarice Larson Thanks! Aren't they cute?! I found them at Walmart for $7!!
They have foxes & squirrels..

Like612 December at 09:11
Darcy Hussin Gray I just read an hour ago about a 9 year old Pit biting off an owners lips !
Like912 December at 09:23
Clarice Larson Lovely. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Jennie Conway Always be vigilant around that dog...and when it dies no more pits.
Like512 December at 09:35
Clarice Larson Will do!! Ugh
Joy Bailey Oh! I forgot to say I'm sorry for the loss of your little dog, and welcome to the group! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค
Like512 December at 09:52
Clarice Larson Thank u!! I've been here a while..
Like112 December at 09:58
Matt Linden I am dating a woman whose brother in law has a pit/mastif mix. The dog was a stray who wandered into his yard and the dog never showed aggression toward his two smaller dogs. I don't trust the dog but understand the owner's reasons for keeping him.
Like312 December at 10:52
Clarice Larson Oh god. Here come the psycho, Stockholm syndrome nutters. Smh
Like112 December at 11:47
Joy Bailey Wow. ๐Ÿ˜’
Like112 December at 11:52
Clarice Larson F*ing idiots.
Like112 December at 11:57
Joy Bailey Yes, yes they are.
Like112 December at 11:58
Clarice Larson Its ridiculous. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Joy Bailey Every single one of them that messages me, calls me fat. It's like, I've heard that one before, get some new material already! ๐Ÿ˜
Like212 December at 11:59
Clarice Larson How rude. Ya I've got that. & That my teeth are crooked and I need braces..
Like112 December at 12:04
Hannah Honey You let her be your friend?
Like212 December at 13:02
Joy Bailey I responded to a nutter pm the first time, but I haven't since.
Like112 December at 13:03
Clarice Larson No. lol. I accepted the message so that I could block her. On messenger.
Like212 December at 13:37
Clarice Larson Friends look like this on messenger..
Clarice Larson Oh god. On her fb page? I blocked her too..
Like112 December at 16:34
Joy Bailey She loves Cyn Rzeznik, she warned some animal shelter that she was going to adopt pits just to kill them... ๐Ÿ˜‚
Like112 December at 18:30
Clarice Larson Oh wow. Ya they think I "got a puppy from a puppy mill to breed her over and over and cage her."
Um. I'm having one litter. Of three dogs. Keeping two puppies and giving one away.
...This is to replace the dog I had that got mauled.
Here's my "puppy mill dog" in her terrible living conditions. SMFH

Like412 December at 18:40Edited
Joy Bailey Clarice Larson you're a monster!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Like112 December at 18:47Edited
Clarice Larson Bahahahha
Like112 December at 18:50
Darcy Hussin Gray She messaged me by pm. I blocked her, and she got me back by getting my comment removed. Nothing but trolling.
Like1Yesterday at 11:04
Darcy Hussin Gray Its sad they attack by pm. I refuse to argue with pro pit people.
Like1Yesterday at 11:15
Darcy Hussin Gray I blocked her to not have to be trolled. Its the only way to shut them up. I dont care what their opinion is. I do not go on pro pit pages ever to bother them. I see no reason they should come to ours.
Like1Yesterday at 11:24Edited
Darcy Hussin Gray When i speak out its to educate those who do not know the dangers. Pro pit people will never listen or change.
Like1Yesterday at 11:26
Steven Hechtl She looks more boxer influenced than Staffordshire
Like112 December at 12:39
Clarice Larson Ya that's what he's heard too
Diana South I thought there was a story posted on this page or another one about a pit that didn't attack until it was 16. The owner euthanized it. I didn't even know pits live that long.
Like412 December at 15:53
Hannah Honey So far the oldest pit I heard of killing a person is as ten, but that doesn't mean there aren't older ones mauling
Like112 December at 22:27
Diana South LOL, what an exaggeration. I think it scratched one dog. No, there was definitely an article about an elderly pit bull that attacked someone, and was put down.
Like212 December at 17:39
Clarice Larson Geez. 16 is like geriatric..
Like112 December at 18:56
Hannah Honey It did, Diana. It scratched one dog and the dogs were roaming on to the cats property.
Like112 December at 22:28
Col Piotr Vladimirovich Dzerzhinskiy What a disturbing expression on her face, and crazy eyes. I would not want this dog near me.
Like213 December at 06:13
Clarice Larson She was waiting for me to give her a chip. I was giving them to her so she would get in front of me to take a pic.
Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done in my life.. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ณ
Like113 December at 06:29
Col Piotr Vladimirovich Dzerzhinskiy Interesting.
I often treat my gal pal's two full-grown male German shepherds, but they never have such a look, like this dog just wants to grab and run, possibly with a couple of your fingers. That is a look of insecurity, and the most questionable ones, the hardest to rehab, are the insecure, unstable ones.
Like213 December at 06:46
Clarice Larson I think she could sense my fear. I've avoided these dogs for a while now.
I was terrified. She was sweet tho. Sleeps in a doggie bed under a huge pile of blankets. Shakes hands with you.. has bad hips..
I knew I was pretty safe. Plus I was with a paramedic, so.. ๐Ÿ˜
Like113 December at 06:49
Clarice Larson I did and will! 
Thanks.. ugh.
Diana South I spent two new years parties at the home of a woman with a pit. It had a muzzle on but she kept removing it to give it treats and water. I told the man I came with that it seemed crazy. It was growling and banging it's head against me. The man I was w...See more
Like213 December at 07:23
Clarice Larson Oh wow. Wtf?! Ya if they're aggressive.. f*ck that!
Clarice Larson Ugh. Another guy on my tinder that I really like has this. Wtf?!
What do I do? Politely ask him to leave the dog in the garage while I'm there??
What do u guys do in these situations??
I was married for 7 years, in an abusive situation..And pretty much got kicked out for complaining that his weird 19yo daughter who wouldn't move out had a vicious ridgeback/Sheppard mix. ๐Ÿ˜ก
Whyyy does everybody own a bully breed? This other guy doesn't even seem like the type..

Lisa Padgett I vote for Fireman guy.
Like1Yesterday at 00:30
Clarice Larson Haha 
At least he'd know how to deal with my injuries if I got mauled by his dog! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Like2Yesterday at 00:31
Clarice Larson Haha. Ugh
Like1Yesterday at 00:59
Clarice Larson Sucks cuz these are really good guys, that I'd have to not date because of a dumb dog. So frustrating.
Like1Yesterday at 01:00
Clarice Larson At least this ^ dog is about to croak! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Like2Yesterday at 01:01
Dennis Baker Pit Bulls are a deal breaker. Arms and legs are kind of nice to keep.
Like2Yesterday at 01:29
Clarice Larson Well it could just go in the garage. I live in a state where everybody owns one. Maybe be muzzled around me..
I really like this guy. Damnit.
Maybe he has a fenced yard and the dog can be outside when I'm there, or kenneled or something.
He's going to think I'm crazy.
Which is so naive. Why don't people just get normal dogs?? ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
LikeYesterday at 01:37Edited
Clarice Larson (I just became single, not settling down until I meet the perfect person). Is why I'm not in a relationship with the firefighter..
LikeYesterday at 01:35Edited
Clarice Larson Same here. They don't even look like pit bull owners, they're so common up here..
Like1Yesterday at 01:42

If you recognize this dog please contact the owner and inform him of his love interests hatred for any dog she perceives to be a pit bull at this stage the dog is safe but it's only a matter of time before Clarice tries to talk him into having his pet put down or worse case scenario she'll take matters into her own hands and typically poison the mans pet.

more to come.....

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