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Sunday, 18 December 2016

The anti Pit Bull Lobbyist Marie up to her old tricks again? Marie it's time to "put up or shut up"!

Well I'd like everyone to meet Marie McGrath she has been following me around the internet hounding me for posting legitimate science based data and information and trying to implicate me in some sort of drama but typically like the attempt below her claims have no true basis in reality.

This screen shot is Marie defending Jeff Borchardt for telling a 12 year old girl to smear her "Twat" with peanut butter and jump in to bed with her pibbles......

Marie got her panties in a bunch when I screen shot her comment and she reported my post to Facebook and Facebook removed the post.....

As you can see by this post Marie claims to have proof of me hating on the Mayor of Montreal there's only one small hitch and that is specifically I just shared the post as I found it, I added no narrative in support of the "headline" nor did I like the post as you see if you study her screen shot.

Marie seems to be large on allegations but extremely slim on actual proof but that's typical of all the members of the Anti Pit Bull Lobby so Marie it's time to "put up or shut up"!.

Please also note I did not "like" the comment about having a high powered rifle and being a good shot but typically Marie and her fellow Anti Pit Bull Lobbyists rarely let the facts get in the road of a good story.

Found it. Whos hate speech?
Joy Bailey Killing the mayor won't magically get the ban overturned... 🙄
Like112 hrs
Darcy Hussin Gray Mental illness abounds in these people
Like511 hrs
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Not surprised...I knew Terry Holtergeist was a dirty b-stard when he deleted comments of himself basically calling some victim advocates ugly...they disappeared VERY quickly after a post showing his comments appeared in one of our public groups.
Inside the 🎰 slot machine that is his brain, the numbers NEVER match up.
This is a public group so feel free to copy+paste away at my posts if you feel it may stop me from advocating for victims.
Like36 hrsEdited
Heather Clemenceau Could someone please share this with the Mayor? They love to talk about protesting Montreal by not visiting. I doubt these people would even be allowed across the border anyway.
Like39 hrs

Here are some links to blogs containing evidence of their so called advocacy which seems to revolve around cyber bullying and disinformation Joy Bailey is little more then an ignorant pit bull hater and she exposes her ignorance on the internet daily.....

Pit Bull Haters Exposed: The Anti Pit Bull Lobby member Clarice ..

As you can see Sonya Del Rio Cerezo is another of their lobbyists that rarely lets the facts get in the road of a good rant she typically accuses me of bullying her whereas all the o called evidence she posts shows her bullying me , she's one delusional individual below is a sampling of blogs containing evidence of her advocacy.....

Pit Bull Haters Exposed: Sonya Del Rio Cerezo see's pit bulls ..

Then there's heather she features in a number of blogs exposing her true nature and hate filled bias all being encouraged and promoted by her fellow alleged public safety advocates.

Pit Bull Haters Exposed: M.j. Brandt -- really hates pitbulls check out ..

Heather has her own blog which promotes lies and disinformation about Pit Bulls and their owners.....

Darcy Hussin Gray is yet another of the lobby that trolls the internet attacking pit bull owners and promoting's disinformation and propaganda......

Kim Moronov is a relative new comer to the Anti Pit Bull Lobby so i don't have a lot on her at the moment but I'm sure she'll give us plenty of useful stuff once she gets a acclimatized to the hate and mayhem that is the anti Pit Bull Lobby.

Typically with these people allegations are misconstrued as evidence and the perfect example of that comes from Jeff the Boofhead Borchardt who has created a blog which he claims is evidence of my cyber bullying all of them whereas the reality is it seems to demonstrate all of their bullying against me with many juvenile meme's one made from a picture stolen from my Facebook account.

These people are not legitimate victims or public safety advocates as all the legitimate advocates are promoting the Calgary Model which has demonstrated it can lower both bite instances and the overall death toll as opposed to breed specific legislation which is extremely effective at killing pit bulls but has little discernible affect on either bite instances or the overall death toll from dog bite related injuries. 

Jeff Borchardt's blog on me which seems to confirm they're bullying of me not the other way around, any reasonable person visiting this blog can easily see these people are bully's.

Terry Holt, Harassment and his blog, “Pit Bull Haters Exposed ...

Jeff and his fellow Anti Pit Bull Lobbyists troll the internet bullying and harassing both pit bull owners and anyone who dares to expose their so called statistics as the nonsense they are all based on unconfirmed bias media reports.

Just add this one to the ever growing list of epic fails by these alleged public safety advocates who seem to act more like bully's and thugs then advocates?

more to come.....

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