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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby just can't handle the truth!

Marie's up to her old tricks I posted a meme announcing the American Bar Association's position on breed specific legislation and Marie has got all butt hurt about it and posted attacking me again, notice that none of them are disputing my claim just attacking me personally typically.

Uncle is daydreaming again.
Dennis Baker I dont think he understands the premise of this meme.
Like31 hr

Dennis Baker I dont think he understands the premise of this meme. Hint: Uncle Txrry doesnt always make a meme but when he does he has no idea what he is doing.
Like31 hrEdited

Jeff Borchardt It is also worth noting the involvement of the American Bar Association (ABA) in attempts to limit BSL. The ABA is a voluntary professional membership organization for lawyers in the United States; it is not a part of the federal government. In 2004, the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) formed the Animal Law Committee, which ultimately evolved into the following goals.

“The status of animals in our legal system, and in our society at large, is in flux, and attorneys are discovering innovative ways to use the rule of law in many different arenas to create a just world for all. These arenas involve a vast array of human/animal interactions, including estate planning for companion animals, due process protections in dangerous dog/reckless owner laws, appropriate compensation when an animal is killed or injured, protections against breed discrimination, standards of care and accountability for animals used in industry and agriculture, expanding notions of what constitutes "cruelty to animals," and the competing interests of wild animals and humans in dwindling resources.” - Animal Law Committee (TIPS)

There is no mention of public safety in their mission. There is a clear statement of concern for the due process for the owners of dangerous dogs and for those charged in reckless dog owner incidents, but none for human victims. There is also a clear statement for the “protections against breed discrimination.” There is no interest in home rule rights, the safety of the peaceful public, or the rights and losses of human victims.

Ledy VanKavage steered the ABA Animal Law Committee from 2010 to 2012 as the chair (also chair-elect) and heavily influenced it. While under her leadership, animal law attorney Adam Karp, was awarded the “Excellence in the Advancement of Animal Law Award.” Two years later, Karp authored a 30-page paper titled, “Down to a science: Combating Breed Discriminatory Litigation,” which spells out the primary legal challenges attorneys can pursue against cities with poorly written breed-specific laws.

It is important to note that jurisdictions with well-written breed-specific laws have a 100% success record in high courts and BSL is public safety law. Karp’s manifesto was “made possible through a generous grant by the National Canine Research Council,” states the paper. Jane Berkey paid for this. At the end of his paper Karp refers readers to three websites: NCRC, AFF and Best Friends. There are no coincidences.
Like145 mins

Now Jeff has pasted one of his favorite disinformation riddled rants on this post heavily laden with lies and disinformation he claims that Breed specific legislation works but that depends on your definition of "works' as if you consider killing pit bulls to be working yes it works but if you're actually talking about community safety it's been shown Bsl has little to no discernible affect on either dog bite instances or dog bite fatalities.

An Analysis of the Efficacy and Rationality of Breed Specific ...

You're only fooling yourself Sybil if you truly believe no-one reads my blogs considering the blog has had in excess of 132,000 views and honestly the fact you attack me personally as opposed to deposing my claims is indicative of what you people call victims advocacy which in reality is little more then vyber bullying, lies and disinformation.

Anyone that knows of Jeff Borchardt knows that he's no public safety advocate he's a bold faced liar who doesn't care who he hurts in his vengeful extinction campaign against pit bulls.

As you can see the Dj's all butt hurt too as he just can't handle the truth and in the past has accused the American Bar Association of being part of or influenced by the mythical "Pit Bull Lobby" whereas the truth is much different to the picture Jeff paints here is the real story of the ABA not the regurgitated crap that Jeff posts daily.....

The American Bar Association

"The American Bar Association is one of the world’s largest voluntary professional organizations, with nearly 400,000 members and more than 3,500 entities.  It is committed to doing what only a national association of attorneys can do: serving our members, improving the legal profession, eliminating bias and enhancing diversity, and advancing the rule of law throughout the United States and around the world.
Founded in 1878, the ABA is committed to supporting the legal profession with practical resources for legal professionals while improving the administration of justice, accrediting law schools, establishing model ethical codes, and more.  Membership is open to lawyers, law students, and others interested in the law and the legal profession.
Our national headquarters are in Chicago, and we maintain a significant office in Washington D.C."

[PDF]resolution - American Bar Association

Marie seems to be your typical breed specific legislation proponent that continually wines and moans about pit bulls and constantly attacks anyone opposing Bsl or defending pit bulls with her nonsense as we see below attacking yet another legitimate animal organization for expressing the truth about breed specific legislation.

Jeff Borchardt Newsflash: Once the results of their actions are complete, it's already too late. The victim is already created. PREVENT THE DEED!
Like11 hr
Brandi Lynn NACA has become a joke, much like animal control.
Like43 mins

Dana Renfrow Tell me, what has a "wait and see" attitude toward pit bulls done for society so far? It has cost LIVES. What a paid pit pusher says is as worthless as the idiot who quoted them on this meme.
Like8 mins

It seems to be just another day over on Jeff's pit bull hate group with yet more lies, disinformation and cyber bullying all of which are the foundation stones the Dj's advocacy is built on as he tries to sell the American public one of the most monumental lies in history.

At the end of the day if you're expecting legitimate science based data and information from these people you'll be sorely disappointed as their campaign revolves around media reports from a washed up 2 bit Journo who couldn't cut it in the real world so he's turned his hand to making a living by peddling lies and disinformation making his money off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls.


"That the American Bar Association urges all state, territorial, and local legislative bodies and governmental agencies to adopt comprehensive breed-neutral dangerous dog/reckless owner laws that ensure due process protections for owners, encourage responsible pet ownership and focus on the behavior of both dog owners and dogs, and to repeal any breed discriminatory or breed specific provisions."


The sad sorry fact is these haters have nothing other then their own manufactured disinformation, lies and cyber bullying and the community and law makers are finally waking up to the fact that not one of these people has any actual legitimate animal training or education they're all good old fashioned haters plain and most certainly extremely simple?

They demonstrate their ignorance to all things Canine daily by claiming American Bulldogs are pit bulls, Mastiff's are just over sized pit bulls you only have too see where all the donations to Daxtons friends go on roadside billboards that feature a picture of an American Bully which must be extremely confusing to his supporters . (all 15 of them)

Now this man claims to be an expert and collects donations from the public which are supposed to be helping victims whereas the reality is this man is chasing notoriety and he's using the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls to do it.

Just check out his posters plastered all over bus stops now how does it help victims to create advertising attacking pit bulls but featuring pictures of a totally different breed of dog?

This man displays daily he's not an expert in fact he acts more like a spoiled ten year old then a public safety advocate, he's a bully and he's using the tragic and totally avoidable death of his son by his babysitters "Boxer" mixes that Jeff insists are pit bulls in spite of all the vets reports.

Jeff please seek some counselling if you truly want to recover from the tragic loss of your son as you need to stop denying the part you played in his death and stop blaming the rest of the world for your poor choices.

The fact is Jeff supports and promotes legislation which ignores the 128 victims of non pit bull type dogs on average in America every decade but claims to be a public safety advocate whereas the real victims advocates support breed neutral legislation which protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just specific breeds.

more to come.....

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