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Monday, 26 December 2016

Deliberately misleading tactics are obviously all part of the anti pit bill advocacy.....

Well Clark Ay Caramba is operating under the same set of standards as the rest of his pit bull hating friends in the group as he's completely misrepresented a story again in true anti pit bull lobby style.

Now Clark summarizes and either lacks basic comprehension and reading skills or he's being intentionally deceptive and actually lying as seems to be normal operating procedure for breed specific legislation proponents.

An interesting read on service dog breed selection. It pretty much lays bare... If you see a pit bull service dog... it's probably fake or the owner has well below average intelligence (since owner has a service dog counter to all recommendation.)
Either way... avoid "pit bull service dog" like the plague! 

Handi-Dogs is a non-profit that helps seniors and people with disabilities train their own dogs to be their service, therapy or well-mannered companion dogs.
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Lucy Muir This is an excellent find and should be shared. A LOT! Thank you!
Like11 hr
Mia Johnson I thought #3 is particularly good.

"You are training a service dog to help make your life better, not more difficult by facing municipal breed specific legislation, breed bans in rental housing, additional insurance costs, and public access challenges."

Not to mention your dog attacking people when they try to help you in situations where the dog can't, like during a heart attack.
Like258 minsEdited
Carol Miller I like t his, a LOT!
LikeJust now

Clark Ay Caramba Check out the shares... The Nutters picked up on this post from our pit bull propaganda site... jiffy, jiffy... and are going Nuts! The truth hurts. I feel for the service organization who will undoubtedly be attacked. I feel for all the special needs folks who have a legitimate service animal need. The special needs folks get frowned at because the pit bull Nutters fake service vicious breed pit bulls hide among true service animals..
Like157 minsEdited
Carol Miller VERY true!
Like38 mins

Carmie Bednar YES, nice to see other organizations finally brave enough to speak the truth about breed choice and service work. I have been saying it for years- nice to not be alone anymore!!!!! 
Like112 mins

As is normally the case with the claims and assertions made by these people a little bit of investigation reveals the truth this organization doesn't "rule" out pit bulls it simply doesn't recommend them and part of the reason for that is breed specific legislation.

Handi-Dogs, Inc.

Improving people's quality of life with a trained dog at their side.

"A note about Pit Bull types (American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Pit mixes) -- We do not recommend these breeds for service dog training for several reasons: 

1). Terrier breeds can difficult to train for service work if the dog has the typical independent terrier temperament. Do not assume that the dog you choose will be the exception; 

2). Pit types can be genetically dog aggressive, and this may not show in the dog's temperament until it becomes an adult. If this develops after you have invested a year in training, you will not be able to use the dog in public; 

3). You are training a service dog to help make your life better, not more difficult by facing municipal breed specific legislation, breed bans in rental housing, additional insurance costs, and public access challenges."

Source..... Handi-Dogs

Now the fact Clark is commenting about the shares indicates that he knows the post has been shared coupled with the fact he added narrative to the effect of haters attacking it's safe to say he actually looked at the shares which are actually calling him out and not the 'Service Organization".

Source.....The Anti Breedism Alliance/posts/

As you can see no-one is attacking anyone we're calling Clark out for lying and he's trying to make out we're calling out the organization whereas I actually used a quote from their site in my post. 

He carries and has admitted and even seemed to brag about pulling his knife on a pet owner on at least one occasion.....

By his own admission he has no sympathy for pit bull owners "mauled' by their own dogs and in fact wishes it would happen more often these are hardly the words of a victims advocate.....

Honestly these people seem to actually think this is public safety advocacy, they believe their own lies and have talked themselves into believing they're part of a "silent"majority that want to kill all the pit bulls on earth.

When in reality they are bully's and fanatics that shove their flawed philosophy down peoples throats and if the people resist they get called baby hating, victim bashing pit bull lovers.

These people demonstrate their willingness to lie and twist the truth manipulate statistics and play parlor tricks in their sickening campaign for pit bull extinction.

As you can see by Clark's comment he found that we'd shared his post exposing his manipulation of the facts and he claims that pit bull advocates will be attacking the "service organization" & he lied to his own group....

Clark has little alternative but to twist and manipulate the words of others as there's no legitimate science based factual data supporting his claims and so he has to play his dangerous games.

more to come.....

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