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Saturday, 10 December 2016

Jeff Borchardt accuses Veterinarians of lying to conceal the breed of dogs involved in attacks.

Now it seems the so called canine expert Dj is getting a little butt hurt because I called him out on the breed of the dogs involved in the attack on and subsequent death of his son Daxton as you can see by his post below now he claims the veterinarians involved were liars and that Veterinarians regularly lie to conceal pit bulls apparently?.

Typically Jeff's proof isn't proof at all but unsubstantiated allegations that he calls facts and the fact that there was no pit bull ban where the dogs were living why would the vet even need to lie in the first place it's more likely the vet that killed them called them pit bulls to sensationalize the fatality.


The fact is any one without a grudge against pit bulls can look at the dogs involved and see clearly they're mixed breed mutts.

Bosston's vet report which clearly shows two different veterinarians labeled him as a canine "Boxer " mix.

Source..... Alldogsbite

Penny's vet reports which say the same thing canine "Boxer" mix there's also a cautionary note (go slow) in Penny's report stating she was "reactionary" indicating Penny may well have initiated the alleged attack.

Source..... Alldogsbite

Now this is a picture of an actual American Pit Bull Terrier and even a novice can see the difference between this dog and the dogs involved in the attack on Daxton.

Below "Bosston" & "Penny" the dogs involved in Daxtons death and they're clearly not pit bulls they may well have some pit bull in them but they're definitely not pit bulls by any stretch of the imagination.

All leading studies and reports on dog bite related fatalities unanimously state that "Breed" plays no role in these tragic avoidable incidents the fact is the 2 common denominators in fatal dog attacks in children are a clear lack of supervision of the victim by the parents or carer and/or irresponsible dog owners.

The fact is Jeff's baby sitter Susi Iwicki got Daxton killed by taking him into the back yard with her poorly socialized and in one case reactionary dogs?

One has to question the urgency of Susi's attempts to save the child as a nearby witness who heard the commotion believed it was children having a snow ball fight and as such did not go to check on the situation and then there's the lack of any serious injuries to Ms Iwicki in spite of her allegedly fighting her own 2 dogs off of Daxton in a ongoing 15 minute attack?

The fact is despite being clearly told not to let her "boxer" mixes anywhere near the boy she took him into the back yard with the dogs and subsequently he was allegedly attacked and killed by the dogs.

It was yours and your babysitters poor choices that got your son killed Jeff, I'm sorry for your loss but it's not my fault it's no-ones fault but your own.

more to come.....

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