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Thursday, 8 December 2016

Pit Bull haters lying again a "Boston Terrier" killed John P Colby's nephew......

A Boston Terrier, and it happened in the yard after the infant annoyed the dog.

John P Colby

Please check out the old newspaper article I found concerning the death of Mr Colby's nephew and it seems the pit bull hating breed specific legislation proponents have been telling lies again or still depending on how you look at it.


As you can see the child was staying at Mr Colby's and he despite being advised not to started playing with one of the pets and was attacked by a "Boston Terrier" !!!!!!.


The 2 year old infant died when the dog grabbed him by the neck and shook him subsequently breaking the child's neck.

Now all of these links below lead to either ignorant lazy authors or intentionally deceptive pit bull hating fanatics and I can tell you both , Daxtons Friends are there and there's also a myriad of Facebook pit bull hate pages featuring the story too. 

1909 Dog Bite Fatality: John P. Colby's Fighting Pit Bull Kills Nephew ...

Evolution Of A Pit Bull Attack – “It's All How You Raise Them ...

America's Dog: The most significant DBRF in american history

The fact is this whole story is a big fat lie but that won't come as any surprise to any of us that have encountered these people they claim to be victims advocates but that's not true.

These people hate pit bulls in some cases and in other cases they're using the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls to line their pockets and in particular the one common denominator among all the pit bull hate groups is Lynn Media.

There's not one actual expert among the haters and Dogsbite even has a huge site terms section listing legal indemnities and disclaimers including an admission that they have had "NO PROFESSIONAL ADVICE" whatsoever.

more to come.....

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