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Tuesday, 27 December 2016

The anti Pit Bull Lobby up to their old tricks with parlor games lies and disinformation!

This post recently appeared on the Anti Breedism alliance Facebook page as you can see it features a meme and links to the source for making the meme.

The post is relatively short featuring links to the original source of all the information contained therein.....

I've just posted 2 articles one from the Journal of Veterinary Science and one from the University of Florida and have made these assessments even professionals trained in the animal field struggle to identify pit bull and are wrong 60% of the time.
And when it comes to people off the street only 4% of them could actually identify a pit bull in spite of insisting they were able to do it.
LINK to the Veterinary Journal post.....
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Marie McGrath seen the post and immediately shared the meme from the post to her pit bull hate group and as you can see Marie only shared the meme and left all the supporting information out in true breed specific legislation proponent style.

Please note the commentators make all sorts of claims but not one link is posted to a source typically.

Wonder if they will ever figure out how to read. As if DBO said this instead of repeating the higher courts. The pit advocates can't even tell the difference between a pit & a boxer.
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Sheila McGarvey "Pit bull dogs possess unique and readily identifiable physical and behavioral traits which are capable of recognition both by dog owners of ordinary intelligence..." - Ohio v. Anderson, Supreme Court of Ohio (1991)" Guess the pit bull owners aren't of ordinary intelligence.
Like68 hrs
Marie McGrath So below average , it drops off & disappears.
Like18 hrs
Ted Chu When pit bulls are being good they are easily identifiable. Not so much when they are violent.
Like17 hrs
Ron Schwarzott What surveys are they talking about
Like6 hrs
Marie McGrath Theres
Like6 hrs
Sheila McGarvey My son is a first responder and none of the first responders have a problem identifying a pit bull and the identified breed of dog would come from the first responders and handed down to media. Surgeons can tell from the damage they see if it's likely from a pit bull. What really worries me is how many of these maulers are being pumped out 11 at a time by backyard breeders who make from $150 to $300 for unpapered puppies. They are advertised and gone in the same day.
Like11 hr
Jeffrey Sloan A recent test showed that ordinary shelter volunteers correctly identified pit bulls and pit bull mixes 96% of the time. Also, the courts have ruled that a "person of ordinary intelligence" can identify a pit bull. These nonsensical statistics they quote are pure fiction.

You'll notice by the comments these people obviously suffer from some sort of cognitive dissonance as they're unable to accept valid information from reputable sources such as the University of Florida and the Journal of Veterinarian Science.

Here's just some of the information available indicating that even experienced animal professionals and shelter staff struggle to visually identify pit bulls.....

About 5,120,000 results (0.73 seconds) from a google search titled "can shelter staff identify pit bulls"

New Study Proves That It's Extremely Difficult To Visually Identify Pit ...

DNA studies reveal that shelter workers often mislabel dogs as 'pit bulls

The fact is this is the type of tactics to expect from Bsl advocates they have no legitimate data or information to back up their claims all of their information comes from media reports and anti pit bull lobbyists.

It seems the public at large are a wake up to their under handed dirty tactics and as such is rejecting both their arguments and the legislation they promote.

These people reject the volumes of data and science based studies in favor of disinformation and propaganda from which is clearly among the most disreputable websites on the internet.

The main difference between us and them is everything we post is sourced and confirmed whereas these people run on hearsay, name calling and bullying as you can see if you visit any of their so called public safety advocacy pages or sites.

Oh & FYI Marie this is an American Pit Bull Terrier......

These are "Boxer" MIXED MUTTS and "loved" family pets don't live in crates and pens 24/7!.....

Vet reports for Bosston......

Vets report for Penny.....

And as for the Veterinarian lying to protect the dogs there was no Bsl so obviously there was no reason to lie.

more to come....

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