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Saturday, 31 December 2016

The Anti pit Bull Lobby racks up another victim.....

Once again we have a perfect demonstration of how these pit bull haters work, now Joy was over on a fox news article about an alleged pit bull attack and Kristy commented how her dog had "snapped at her child so she re-homed the dog.

But as you can see by the time Joy got the screen shot to her hate group the "snap at the child' had turned into an "attack' on the child in true anti Pit Bull Lobby style.

Source..... Joy Bailey's Post in PBPMR

The Link Joy shared..... Fox 4 News

This is what happens when one of their victims gets a heads up about the post containing a screen shot of their comment from a news thread this is how they get treated when they try and defend themselves.

Col Piotr Vladimirovich Dzerzhinskiy These people never cease to amaze me with their degree of ignorance, denial, and absolute selfishness. And then they have the nerve to actually BRAG about their acts that leave a normal person questioning pitnutter sanity - the lack thereof!
Like71 hr
Col Piotr Vladimirovich Dzerzhinskiy How generous of her to fob her dangerous dog off on an emotionally vulnerable person who may "do something" to make the dog go "full pit". Why not just send a cobra or a crocodile?

NO! Put that MF down.
Like61 hrEdited
Dana Renfrow Ppsd? = as in pit pusher stupidity disorder?
Like61 hr
Kristy Combs Yeah... great one!!!
Like129 mins
Karen Branson Any organization that places a dog (of any breed, but ESPECIALLYa pit bull) with a bite history as a "service dog" should face criminal charges. They should lose their license (if that applies), as well as their non-profit status.
Like542 mins
Kristy Combs Hey there! None you you know the story... but instead go by whatever the person posted said... lol...yeah my mean terrible pit attacked my son so severely that the ER literally cleaned the scratch and had to put some otc triple antibotic ointment on before sending him home.... smh... we literally had to spend more time in the waiting room than we did in the actual room... didnt even see the dr.... dang! Laughing at all of yall!!
Like130 mins
Karen Branson And the next person that mutant attacks may not get off so lucky. You are irresponsible with no concern whatsoever about anyone else. Disgusting!
Kristy Combs How is that... he scratched my kid... lets all get rid of any and all kittens... they may scratch us!!!! Smh
Rob Wise Unreal and incredibly irresponsible.
Like126 mins
Kristy Combs How is that? My dog scratched my son.... oh my lets get rid of all kittens now... they may scratch and that would make us all bad people... smh
Like12 minsEdited
Rob Wise Kristy Combs - I would say that you were very lucky. If a dog is showing sighs of aggression, they should be put's that simple. Statistics have proven that one a dog bites another person or animal they are more likely to bite again.
Kristy Combs I agree I was very lucky! I fully accept responsibility for the incident that occurred. .. it was human error... that dog was 8 yrs old and had never hurt a soul... he scratched my son and was sent to a rescue to be trained to be a service dog for a ve...See more
Dana Renfrow So "snapped at" suddenly becomes a scratch. You even took him to an ER over a so-called scratch? Bullshit, lady. Don't post public. This is a public post you made, which leaves it open to social media.
Kristy Combs Yup... he snapped and his tooth scratched my sons cheek... and yes... my kid goes to the doctor or er anytime I feel it necessary... would you have preferred me not to take him?? Lmbo...
Like8 mins
Rob Wise Kristy Combs - Sorry, I do not mean to offend and I don't hate anyone. But, I do believe in numbers and statistics, and those statistics are glaringly clear, that Pit Bulls are a dangerous breed and should not be owned as family pets. Pit Bulls are genetically predisposed to fight and be aggressive because that's what they were bred for...just as Golden Retrievers were bred to retrieve, and Brittany Spaniels to point.
Like18 mins
Kristy Combs And I have no problem with it open to social media... I have a problem with hate groups that stalk people and steal their pictures....
Like7 mins
Dana Renfrow Your whole story is a lie, showing how you lied here today. We will continue to discuss your dishonest display of ignorance. You can try to justify your snapping pit bull, but it just proves our point about them in the first place.
Like5 mins
Kristy Combs Rob Wise I have no problem with anyones opinion... I now currently own a bassit but I have received many hateful messages from this group and that is something I do not agree with... but like I said... everyone has a right to their opinions....
Like4 mins
Rob Wise Kristy Combs - I just got in this group and I don't hate anyone or any animal
Like4 mins
Dana Renfrow Can you show the screenshots of the messages that you have gotten?
Like3 mins
Rob Wise Everyone calm down...let's all play nice. 😀
Dana Renfrow Oh, and screenshots of stolen pictures? Those are some serious allegations, which you should have no problem providing evidence for. Leads me to wonder how you even knew to come here. Gee, who actually is THAT obsessed..
Like2 mins
Lisa Padgett would love to know which 'rescue' this thing went to. Assuming this is true.
Like7 mins
Kristy Combs Why so this group can stalk them too.... seriously... this happened yrs ago... my dog was 8 yrs old and has passed
Like1 min
Kristy Combs But hey let the hate keep on coming!!
Like1 min

Stephanie Morin She's pretty stupid.
Like3 mins
Kristy Combs Thanks! You don't even know me!
Like2 mins
Stephanie Morin Kristy Combs I don't need to. And I wouldn't want to.
Like12 mins
Karen Branson Kristy Combs Stupid is as stupid does. Handing over a pit bull that bit your child to be a service dog for a veteran is STUPID (and callous).
LikeJust now

Dana Renfrow We screencapped a public comment made to discuss how ignorant it is, and the author cannot even justify herself, she just calls this a hate group and lies out her ass. The dog did not just scratch, or she would have never got rid of it after 5 years. I am sure it never became a therapy dog unless she lied about its past. This is a good lesson folks on dishonesty and denial from pit pushers.
Like11 min
Rob Wise Folks, I would hope the goal here is to educate and inform, as this is the best and most effective way to change minds. I don't think it's a good idea to attack anyone. There's a lot of misinformation out there on Pit Bulls, so it doesn't surprise me that someone would go this route. My suggestion would be to focus on the Pit Bull advocacy groups who are spreading misinformation, and propagating the myths, and doing a disservice to our communities.
Dana Renfrow I am a fairly reasonable person, but if calling out a liar is wrong, I don't care who I offend.

I have warned Kristy that these people will stalk her Facebook profile and any other social media presence she has to try and get some dirt on her they can use to try and embarrass her it's as plain as the nose on your face these people are not public safety advocates.

they're cyber bullys follow the link to their group and see for yourselves?

more to come.....

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