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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Advocacy "Anti Pit Bull Lobby style" = thuggery?

It becomes abundantly clearly in a relatively short time that these people are not truly interested in victims especially when you visit their public pages/groups which contain a litany of hate all focused on pit bulls & their owners.

Take the post below by Marie  McGrath in the "Pit Bull Propaganda Machine"  which is indicative of the kind of post you'll find in these types of hate groups/pages and unfortunately in spite of claiming to be acting in the best interests their comments often give insight to a darker side of what they call victims advocacy.

Only a blind fool would think these pictures show sweet innocent dogs incapable of harming a fly.
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Maria Tsotos Tzavaras Not cute at all.
Like411 hrs
Joy Bailey Constantly trying to turn dogs into humans... it's a mental illness.
Like711 hrs
Gwendolyn Hanan They are so UGLY!
Like411 hrs
Katya Durán "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda": "Even if the monkey wears silk, it remais as a monkey"...
" although the dress does not silk, Mona stays ": " even if the monkey wears silk, it remais as a monkey "...
Automatically translated
Like211 hrs
Jim Wilson They look like thugs from the hood.
Like711 hrs
Gregory Kolaranda As Elvis would sing to them.... You're the devil in disguise. Thats what you are!
Like311 hrsEdited
Jennie Conway I want to like this a lot! Not just once. Lol!
Like19 hrs
Lisa Padgett It's laughable at this point.
Like311 hrs
Tony Solesky I agree and that is why, I never let the fools stop me from telling those that do not know about the dangers of pit bulls every chance I get. I don't care what they think, because they don't.
Like27 hrs
Darcy Hussin Gray I find the heads so ugly! I don't care how they dress them ! Pigs wearing lipstick ! Lol
Like22 hrs
Tony Solesky Pigs are far more prettier with lipstick.
Like113 mins
Clark Ay Caramba Lipstick would have made all the difference (in that caricature.) (And if I can get the Nutters to start putting lipstick on 'em... maybe a Nutter or 2 will loose a hand? Pit bulls... school of hard knocks.)
Like25 minsEdited

I hate to disappoint them all they've once again proved their inability to identify an actual American Pit Bull Terrier this poor dog obviously qualifies as what they all call pit bull "type"

Their logic is unfortunate in so far as they see this type of behavior as some sort of victims advocacy claiming to be countering propaganda being shared by the infamous and fictional Pit Bull Lobby which they claim is spreading dangerous propaganda whereas the reality is this was probably an owner in love with their pet taking pictures for Christmas or novelty gift cards.

The fact is any alleged victims advocacy that revolves around this type of behavior is quite likely way more dangerous then the target of their terror campaign given their support for breed specific legislation which does little to nothing to prevent another 128 deaths to non pit bull type dogs in the the next decade just as in the last decade. (2005-2015)

more to come......

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