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Thursday, 22 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby - Clarice doing what she does, hating!

Once again the so called public safety advocates are exposing the depths of their depravity as you can see Clarice (Larson) Lucille has found a post where a woman is posting asking for advice after her dog ate cocoa powder and because they feel the dog looks like a pit bull out comes all the nastiness at full speed.

Clarice obviously got busted using a fake name and has been made to use her real name but it hasn't dampened the flames of her hatred for both pit bulls and their owners.

..Just feed her the whole thing! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Rick Duncan Bleach works well..
Like21 hr
Like54 mins
Cindy Pinkham Pearce No what a bad bad suggestion.. Why would you say bleach even joking?
Like53 mins
Cyn Rzeznik Aw, let the little darling eat the whole can. She will be JUST FINE. LOL!
Like47 mins
Marie McGrath If you have an emergency animal hospital, I would call & ask.
Like3 mins

Dan Saeger Pit freaks throw screenshots of these comments at us! Stop it!
Like21 mins

Cindy the sad truth is James Duncan is serious it's how he rolls & most average people would look at this type of behavior and see it for what it is old fashioned hate and yet these people seem to be able to construe this type of thing as victims advocacy whereas it's quite clearly old fashioned hate and is most likely indicative of an underlying mental health issue.

These people confirm just how dangerously delusional they are every time they touch their keyboard and typically Facebook seems content to allow these people to stalk and cyber bully to their hearts content without any consequences whatsoever.

Fortunately the broader public obviously sees this type of behavior for exactly what it is and seem to be rejecting breed specific legislation on wholesale terms throughout the world bringing justice and truth back to legislation in place of this nonsense ineffective legislation which is doomed and destined for the scrap pile along with all it's advocates.

more to come.....

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