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Thursday, 22 December 2016

*****BEWARE***** The Anti Pit Bull Lobby in disguise!

I monitor a couple of the pit bull hater groups and pm their victims with links to their post which had been cross posted to the hate group for ridicule quite often the posts are rescues that they're trying to disrupt but sometimes it's just everyday average people that happen to have posted a picture or video of their child interacting with their pet and they're being targeted as a result and I mistook this page as being one of their victims.

Don't Blame The Bread's photo.
Don't Blame The Bread
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So I sent the page a Facebook personal message with a heads up on what was happening and a link to the post concerned (my eyes are poor I misread bread as breed lol).

My Pm.....

one of your posts has been shared to a pit bull hate group....

They responded a couple of hours later and that's when I realized my mistake as you can see they're not a breed advocacy they're actually attempting some sort of perverted satire.

I must say I recognize the style of this meme and have a fair idea of who at least one of the admins are, DR.

Thanks for the heads up. Narc.

When I was preparing this blog I followed the link in the pm and the result is visible below I've been blocked or the post has been removed.

There's an old saying that "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" and i honestly have to say anyone using this situation in order to make cheap jokes or poorly constructed attempts at satire.

This page is yet another demonstration of the lengths these anti pit bull lobby members will go to and is truly indicative of a campaign founded on deception, disinformation, outright lies, cyber bullying, stalking, propaganda & fake statistics.

I must say I think it's in poor taste especially considering most times the mistake is caused by auto correct and these people are using them to try and embarrass people which in itself is in direct contravention of Facebook's own community standards.

more to come.....

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