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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Pit Bull Hater of the Week, MM


Now Marie hates all things pit bull as you can see she's shared a post about a found dog to her petty little hate group for their fun but it seems Marie is one of the Anti Pit Bull Lobby that persistently threatens to send Child Protective Services on pit bull owners.

The fact is they are crucifying this person for saving a lost dog because her child was in the car this is yet another example of just how delusional & dangerous these people truly are with little to no regard for life all they care about is pit bull victims and it's not because of any empathy felt for victims they just hate pit bulls.

Picking up any stray dog with a child along, can't get any more stupid. Of course the nutters were all about the dog freezing & ziltch about the child. Where is CP's when a child needs them?
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Valerie Brown If that were a homeless kitten curled up freezing they would be siccing their Pit on it to kill it so they can have home movies to watch over the holidays.
Like38 hrs
Denise Newsome I see folks do this on rescue sight. Open car doors and let dog in with child buckled in seat. Comment always seems like a sweet dog.
Like27 hrs
Denise Newsome Excuse me, sites.
Like7 hrs
Valerie Brown Kristy Kornell Hmmmm.... bites the hand that feeds one... doesn't quite conjure up visions of loyalty, does it?
Like33 hrs
Valerie Brown Kristy Kornell Even if it means they have to kill ya'.
Like12 hrs
Frederick Minshall Valerie Brown --in terms of valuing an animal's life over a child's, there is absolutely NO difference between pit-bull nutters and feral cat-nutters; only the types of injuries and causes of death differ. Feral cats carry parasites that blind 70 children a year, cause up to 4,000 stillborn, microcephalic, hydrocephalic, blind and severely debilitated (i.e. requiring LIFE-LONG custodial care) babies each year, are responsible for one-third of all human rabies exposures--that's about 13,000 annually--and remember that there's only a very NARROW window in which rabies can be successfully treated and small children are very often AFRAID to tell their parents they've been bitten by an animal because they think they'll be scolded or punished for doing something wrong, and BOTH feral cats and stray dogs carry parasitic Toxocara roundworms that, per Baylor School of Medicine research, have infected one-third of Black children living in poverty in the US; cats also can and do transmit MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant strain of Staph aureus called 'the flesh eating disease', and so-called "community" cats have infected entire FAMILIES with this, diseases like Tularemia and Bartonellosis that have actually been WEAPONIZED for biological warfare; there have also been 12 cases of pneumonic PLAGUE since July of this year in ID, CO and WY. May not seem like a lot, but it is per the CDC a "spike" in the number of cases. Also important--NO FLEAS INVOLVED. Human cases (at least one fatal in NM last year) have ALL been transmitted directly from infected cats via respiratory droplets to people who got too close to them. People who expose their children to strange dogs AND cats should be charged with child endangerment, just like that moron in California that left his 'pet' boa constrictor in the room with his infant in its crib. The boa constricted (suffocated) and ATE the baby. BLOODY.IDIOTS.
Like2 hrsEdited
Valerie Brown Frederick Minshall Atta boy! All we need is to turn this group into a group that attacks feral cats too! Why don't we add religion, politics and abortions to the mix as well? Nothing like division among the ranks to get us no where.
Like2 hrs
Valerie Brown And to clarify your nonsense. Pet cats also have a high incidence of toxo and guess what? The most frequent source is PEOPLE! Over two thirds of people have been exposed to toxo and the source of exposure was raw meat bought at the supermarket! How many actual cases of rabies in children from feral cats did you say there were? That's what I thought. Cat hater propaganda. Dogs are a primary source of roundworms in children and most of that comes from PET dogs, not stray dogs. Then never mind. It is obvious you are a dog and cat hater and you are trying to use this group to springboard your hatred of animals. Got news for you, most on here are animal lovers. You might be better served joining up forces with Pit advocates, they are the animal haters.
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Frederick Minshall Valerie Brown --How wrong art thou? Let me count the ways: (1) My old cat died of cancer three weeks ago. I 'rescued' him as an abandoned kitten that fit into the palm of my hand from the ruins of an abandoned house on Popof Island, Alaska in Nov. of 2004. He was an indoor-only cat. He got cancer last year. I kept him going until he would no longer eat (on my vet's advice), and then took him for his last vet visit. I wrapped him in a blanket and held him in my arms while the vet administered the sedative. He hid his face in the crook of my arm like he'd done all his life when he wanted to feel secure. Therefore you can stick 'cat-hater' up your....
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Valerie Brown Frederick Minshall Did I strike a nerve? You posted a bunch of feral cat and stray dog hate filled propaganda and you want to back peddle now and pretend you love animals? Please, Pit Bulls are killing us and our pets as I type, I don't have time to waste on your animal hating posts and personal attacks. Go join up with the Pit Bull advocates, they are ugly like you.
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Frederick Minshall (2) You clearly know nothing about the life cycle of Toxplasma gondii. Allow me: Every place that's overrun by invasive felines is also overrun by invasive rodents (house mice, Norway, Pacific and brown rats), and has been ever since Europeans introduced these species everywhere they now occur. This is NOT a coincidence.
Invasive cats and rodents form and PERPETUATE balances of sustainable numbers for the benefit of precisely ONE organism. Not the cats. Nor the rats. And certainly not humans. They, and arguably we, exist solely to complete the life-cycle of the cat-vectored parasite, Toxoplasma gondii—at least from the parasite’s standpoint.
It reproduces ONLY in felid digestive tracts. Infected cats shed its oocysts ("egg-cells") by the tens of millions with their feces. The oocysts' immediate purpose is to infect commensal rodents. They cause neurochemical changes in the rodents so that, instead of fleeing the scent of cat-pi$$, they are sexually aroused and attracted by it, thus facilitating the oocysts' return to feline digestive tracts where they can once again reproduce, completing the life-cycle. Cats don't 'control' rodents—they attract them.
Studies in South Africa have shown that toxoplasmosis works the same way on chimpanzees vis-a-vis leopards. Additional studies suggest the stereotype of the lonely cat-hoarding spinster dying and being eaten by her hoarded cats—this has actually happened more than once—may prove to have more to do with parasitology than urban legend.
In recent decades misguided, irresponsible people have adopted worthless ‘no-kill’ strategies rather than active pest control-oriented approaches to reduce and eliminate feral cat populations. As a direct result of this–particularly the fraudulent practice known as “Trap-Neuter-Return”–infectious T. gondii oocysts are now present in our environment at densities of from three to 434 oocysts per square foot, and they persist in the environment and remain infectious for 1 ½ to 4 ½ years.
They contaminate vegetable gardens, row-crop soils, pastures, livestock and game animal browsing areas, insufficiently-filtered municipal and rural water supplies, inshore marine habitat and the filter-feeding organisms therein (enjoy those raw oysters, folks!), as well as parks, beaches, schoolyards and children’s play areas. The oocysts can and do become aerosolized. All it takes is inhaling one oocyst to blind, permanently debilitate or kill a child. Or immuno-compromised adult.
Per the CDC as many as 1/5th of the U.S. population is infected with toxoplasmosis. Most are asymptomatic because healthy immune systems usually suppress the parasite’s deleterious effects. Nonetheless 4,500 Americans are hospitalized each year due to toxoplasmosis-induced food-borne illness, and about 325 of them die.
Toxoplasmosis causes 400 to 4,000 stillborn, blind, hydrocephalic, microcephalic and severely mentally retarded newborns annually in the US, and no one knows how many chronic miscarriages in childbearing age women. Ocular lesions caused by the parasite blind 70 people–mostly children–annually. The parasite has also been linked to adult-onset schizophrenia, intermittent explosive disorder and Alzheimer's.
In addition to ingestion, inhalation and congenital (intrauterine) transmission, the infectious oocysts can be transmitted via breast milk and semen. And NO ONE'S immune system remains healthy forever–they deteriorate with age, and the embedded oocysts WILL STILL BE THERE.
Selfish, irresponsible 'no-kill' extremists maintain disease-ridden vermin at unnaturally high densities by subsidizing them with food, thus simultaneously promoting conditions favoring disease outbreaks and attracting its carriers to human habitation!
They have essentially decided to shorten their neighbors’ life spans by needlessly exposing them to zoonotic disease. NEEDLESSLY deserves emphasis here—toxoplasmosis would be largely AVOIDABLE were it not for TNR. By eliminating free-roaming cats we could eliminate toxoplasmosis almost as thoroughly as we have smallpox and polio.
These myopic, misanthropic, outdoor cat-hoarders are modern-day equivalents to Typhoid Mary–they won’t stop because all they care about is preventing cats from being euthanized no matter the costs to their communities. If such people became enamored of RATS and wanted to feed and maintain them in TNR colonies, they would be dragged off and institutionalized as menaces to public health–and rightly so. Cats carry far more potentially-fatal diseases transmissible to humans than do rats. Another consequence of “TNR”: 1/3rd of all human rabies exposures in the US are now due to feral and free-roaming cats. That’s about 13,000 exposures per year for at least the last 15 years, each requiring painful and expensive PEP (Post Exposure Prophylactic) inoculations at $3,000.00-$26,000.00 per person. Untreated rabies is nearly always fatal.
The greatest rabies outbreak in US HISTORY—665 exposures in one New Hampshire town in 1994 which cost that municipality $2 million to treat--was caused by a TNR CAT-COLONY.
And yet another consequence of TNR: These self-absorbed, arrogant, elitist 'animal-welfare' fanatics are, for the sake of their bloody CATS, stealing entire generations' FUTURES by irresponsibly spreading and perpetuating their noxious "community" vermin; thanks to their efforts, a cat-vectored brain-worm, Toxocara catii is infecting one out of every three Black American children living in poverty, and impairing the development of no one knows how many of those children.
I'm unsure whether it's more apt to compare TNR advocates and practitioners to Michigan Governor Rick Snyder for poisoning a entire generation of Flint, Michigan's children or Jeffery Amherst for handing out smallpox-ridden blankets to peaceful "Indians".
Beware of 'animal-welfare' nutters bearing cats!
Like1 hr
Valerie Brown Dennis Baker William Johnson Jeff Borchardt Animal hater using this group to spread hate, troll and divide the group. These off topic endless rants have nothing to do with the scope of this thread.
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Frederick Minshall Valerie Brown --I posted FACTS. I can provide the links to scientific and medical research from the CDC, Journal of Zoonoses and Public Health, University of British Columbia Institute of Allergy and Infection Disease, Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, African Journal of Microbiological Research, JAVMA and MANY, MANY more which substantiate EVERYTHING I say. Will you hide your head in the sand or challenge me to back up what I say with links?
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Valerie Brown Admins please help!!!!
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Frederick Minshall Valerie Brown --you're simply in denial now, no different than any pit-bull- or feral cat-nutter. I oppose the proliferation of dangerous animals, including pit-bulls. I have said NOTHING that is off-topic in terms of dangerous animals. If you're simply a cat-nutter who doesn't want the truth presented in here, it's YOU who are being divisive. I.HAVE.PRESENTED.FACTS. How is that "divisive", to anyone who is not AFRAID to face FACTS? Please tell me!
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Valerie Brown William Johnson Dennis Baker Jeff Borchardt Animal hater trolling among us creating division!!!!
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Frederick Minshall Valerie Brown --you're simply repeating yourself. I've defended and CONTINUE to defend people against the online pit-bull nutters. I was invited into this group by an individual who shares my views. Clearly you don't. I suspect it's because you're ...See more
Like1 hr
Valerie Brown Clearly you don't share the views of this group which is to protect people, pets, livestock and wildlife from Pit Bull attacks, not to bash cats, feral or not. You have no right to come her to push your cat hating agenda and call people names because they aren't haters like you.
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William Johnson I can't read all this right now. I suggest you both end the conversation.
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Valerie Brown William Johnson Thank you Bill!
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Frederick Minshall Valerie Brown --I have EVERY right to tell the truth. The horrific damage being committed by irresponsible "cat advocates" is part of the same 'pet-worshiping trend' as the idiots who harass grieving parents whose children were slaughtered by their "f...See more
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Valerie Brown Frederick Minshall You have NO rights to use this group for your personal hate agenda.
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Frederick Minshall William Johnson --fine. I've said what I had to say. I'm not the one in the midst of a panic-attack.
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William Johnson Frederick Minshall, what the hell do feral cats hate to do with pit bulls?
Like11 hr
Frederick Minshall William Johnson --Do you know Harve Morgan?
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William Johnson Yes I do.
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Frederick Minshall For one thing, those opposed to proliferation of both feral cats and pit bulls have a common enemy. Best Friends of Animals. If you don't know this, you should.
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Frederick Minshall William Johnson --Ask him about me.
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Frederick Minshall William Johnson --get back to me when you have. I gotta go back to work. Inshaa Allah talk to you later. MaSalaam...\
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William Johnson Let's end this conversation right now. This is not a group to discuss feral cats.
Like11 hr
Valerie Brown William Johnson Thank you Bill!
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Frederick Minshall William Johnson --again, ask him about me. He knows who I am. And I maintain, and I'm certain Harve will back me up, feral invasive felines and killer pit-bulls are part of the SAME PROBLEM. Their promoters among the "animal welfare" charlatans are in many cases the SAME. The same 'pet' corporations and so-called 'non-profits' get rich off this misery! Take your blinders off! At least talk to Harve. Or you can pander to the emotion driven individuals who panic when confronted with FACTS.
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Valerie Brown struggles to deal with legitimate science based data and information and calls for the admins to remove Frederick and that's pretty much how these people deal with anyone posting actual facts as opposed to the disinformation and propaganda they promote which is little more then the scribbling of a second rate washed up journo who gathers all his so called stats from media reports without any effort to actually confirm any of the details of the actual incident.

As you can see William Johnson done bugger all to help Valerie and just bailed leaving her to her fate but you can bet that Frederick will likely get booted from the group for not towing the party line in relation to pit bulls as if you don't hate pit bulls and want them all dead there's no place for you in that group.

One of Jeff's favorite tricks is to block people so they can't see his posts then he posts challenging them to a debate knowing full well they can't see it then he claims they're too afraid to debate him which is total nonsense and I formerly accept your challenge Jeff just name the time and place assuming you're not too afraid to be exposed as the non expert you seem to be after all you claim to be an expert an yet you use pictures of American Bully's on your billboards attacking American Pit Bull Terriers.

It seems these people are suffering from some sort of cognitive dissonance as they are unable to accept legitimate science based data and information as it contradicts their core beliefs which have been polluted by Colleen Lynn, Merrit Clifton and of course the knucklehead Dj Jeff Borchardt and their endless lies, disinformation and propaganda all specifically designed to bring about the extinction of pit bulls.....

Anyone of average intelligence can tell when someone is talking sh*t and spinning lies like these people seem to do and the scariest part is they actually seem to believe their own lies and disinformation these people need to be encouraged to seek counselling as opposed to being used by these sick pit bull haters who encourage their inappropriate behavior..

more to come.....

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