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Thursday, 29 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby talking about Devo's murderer being their hero for slashing Devo's throat!!

The victim, his throat was brutally slashed.....

They're up to their old tricks again or still depending how you look at it the anti pit bull lobby supporting what can only be described as brutal murder of someone's pet.

The fact is regardless of what breeds of dog were involved the reality is they're both now dead one because of an accident the other killed in a fit of rage after the initial incident.

How these people can claim to be victims advocates and act this way is somewhat confusing unless they're delusional that would explain the only circumstance under which anyone could mistake this type of thing as being in the public's best interest in any way shape or form.if they think this type of behavior is acceptable.

A man in Riverside was arrested on Saturday for slitting a pit bull's throat after it attacked and killed his poodle.
Gwendolyn Hanan Give him a commendation.
Like521 hrs
Nicole Marie probably saved a life or two going forward
Like620 hrs
Christine M. Sweet Good, but too bad his poodle was killed, at least the mauler can't do it again.
Like520 hrs
Tarika S Pearson This guy is a hero
Like520 hrs
S.J. Martin Hero!
Like419 hrs
Marc Kenton Fight it. No jury would convict.
Like319 hrs
Sheila McGarvey If I lived in Riverside, I'd be at his arraignment hailing him as a hero. He did what needed to be done. Crap happens when you have inhuman neighbors. You go guy, and may you be the first of many!
Like718 hrs
Dawn Dalyce He's got EVERY RIGHT in the world to kill a killer beast that is attacking his little dog !
Like417 hrsEdited
Dawn Dalyce He should be given a MEDAL !!!
Like417 hrs
Sheila McGarvey Typical news outlet siding with the perpetrator. They talk about the horrific thing the perp had to see when her cut-throat came home. Just listen to this drivel and then send them some pictures of what once beautiful, loved pets look like when pits finish with them. Send an album of human and animal victims of maulers to the news station so that they can maybe understand what people are really horrified over ... that nothing is being done about this pit bull problem and deaths, maulings and killings of animals are ramping up daily.
Like517 hrs
Sylvie Montague BSL would have protected that poodle. Owners of the pit bull should be charged with animal cruelty. After all, they owned the number one killer of everyone's normal pets and livestock.
Like516 hrs
Sheila McGarvey To me, if dog fighting is illegal, then it certainly should be illegal for someone to allow their pit bull to initiate a confrontation with another dog and engage in a fight. There are videos on the internet where people allow their pit bulls to attack other dogs to see who can win. For all anyone knows, this owner could have purposely let her dog out to attack the poodle. I'd say she was hosting the fight since it's her pit.
Like313 hrs
Like113 hrs
Jane Brown
Riverside County District Attorney's Office's photo.

Riverside County District Attorney's Office

168 talking about this
Like14 mins

Sheila McGarvey Post some good PB breed stats and data on their web site.
Like1 hr
Jennie Conway People are learning. Slowly, but they are learning. Nasty people that keep nasty dangerous dogs need to expect this more and more. Keep your maulers under control, because if you don't, and they attack, they will be killed. Whenever possible never let an attacking pit leave the scene alive.
Like15 mins

The posting of a link to the attorneys office for the area where the incident took place seems to indicate these people intend supporting this criminal abuser via harassing the Riverside City District Attorney ..

Once again a little research shows there's no actual confirmation the dog is actually a pit bull and judging by the pictures I've discovered I doubt very much that it was but again they're taking the owners word for it without any further information or follow up research at all.

Riverside man slashes throat of neighbor's pit bull after it attacked his ..

"The incident began when the pit bull, Devo, got into his neighbor's yard and attacked Barajas' 10-month old poodle, named Spunky. Witnesses said Barajas and other neighbors freed the poodle from the pit bull's mouth. The poodle was alive when released but later died of its injuries.

Barajas, officials say, then dragged Devo into his house from the street and slashed his throat. The pit bull ran back to his owner and then collapsed, dying on the way to the veterinarian."

Source..... ABC-7

It seems that well after the incident involving his dog the poodles owner brutally killed the other dog involved after dragging the dog to his house.

How can anyone claiming to be a victims advocate applaud this type of behavior, it was tragic enough after the dog fight but to then compound it by committing such a brutal act is unconscionable.

Poodle owner accused of slitting throat of pit bull that killed his dog ...

"About 9:45 a.m., Devo’s owner, Carina Garcia, encountered the poodle’s owner, along with two neighbors, trying to extract the smaller animal from the pit bull’s jaws. They eventually succeeded, but the poodle died soon after.
The poodle’s owner, Rudy Jesus Barajas, then carried the pit bull away and stabbed the animal, apparently slashing his throat, authorities said. The dog ran back to his home and collapsed. The pit bull owner tried to rush her dog to a veterinary hospital for treatment, but the animal died en route."
Source..... Los Angeles Times

All the news articles seem to say the same thing yes the dog "Devo" attacked "Spanky" and after the incident the accused dragged the victim form his yard and cut his throat in cold blood and these people are saying he's a hero?

Riverside Man Slit Neighbor's Pit Bull's Throat After Dog Attacked His ...

"About 9:45 a.m., the pit bull’s owner heard a commotion and came out of her home to see her black-and-white 2-year-old dog, Devo, with a neighbor’s dog in his mouth. Three neighbors tried to get Devo to release the poodle, which was described as a 10-month-old mix named Spunky.
Devo’s owner said her neighbor, identified as Barajas, dragged Devo to his property and slit Devo’s throat with a knife.
“Devo ran back to his owner and collapsed in the front yard,” department spokesman John Welsh said in an email."
Source..... KTLA-5

I really have to wonder what type of person would actually applaud and support this type of brutal behavior and now as you can see my question has been answered these types of people as you can see by their own words.

Man Arrested For Killing Pit Bull That Mauled His Dog - Opposing Views

"Officials claim that since Barajas took the pit bull into his house after the attack on Spunky was over, he therefore committed a felony.  Barajas was arrested at his home and is currently awaiting sentencing."

Source..... Opposing Views

This was nothing less then brutal animal cruelty and the fact that it happened well after the dog fight occurred is the reason for charges being laid against the perpetrator.

Pit bull who 'had throat slashed by owner's neighbor after it killed his ..

"After the pit bull finally released the poodle, Animal Services officials say Barajas grabbed the pit bull and dragged it to his home across the street, where he slit the animal's throat with a knife, reported CBS Los Angeles.

The mortally wounded pit bull then ran back to its home and collapsed at the feet of his owner. The woman rushed Devo to a veterinarian, but the dog succumbed to its injuries on the way.

An investigator with the Riverside County Department of Animal Services has concluded that the killing of the pit bull was not defensive because the dog had already released the poodle.

Also, by dragging the 2-year-old pit bull into his house and allegedly slashing its throat, Rudy Barajas only prolonged the incident."

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Anyone and I mean anyone supporting and or encouraging this type of "advocacy" and trying to claim that they are acting in the interests of community safety is demonstrating exactly how far from being legitimate victims advocates they truly are and the fact they do this sort of thing every day while maintaining that story is the scariest part of all.

These people truly are delusional & dangerous the sooner we can put this Bull Sh*t Legislation out of it's misery the sooner they'll crawl back under the rocks they came out from promptly.

RIP "Devo & Spanky"

more to come....

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