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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby, Tiffany demonstrates her inability to identify a pit bull.....

Now here's a perfect example of the delusion that runs deep in the Anti Pit Bull Lobby, Tiffany has found a post in a local Facebook page that she thinks relates to a pit bull but typically as per usual the poor victim is a mixed breed mutt that barely even resembles a pit bull.

The fact is this demonstrates their willingness to lie and misrepresent actual situations as even someone of average intelligence can see quite clearly this dog is not a pit bull and most likely not even a pit bull "type".

This really ticks me off! This is in my neighborhood fbook group.... They are not allowed in housing 😬
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Tina Pounds Yeah right great with kids unless the kids move when she is sleeping. She's had her four years and is just now getting rid of her. Right. No problems.
Like126 minsEdited

Hannah Honey She loves being outside but isn't allowed out. No frustration issues there.
Keep the kids out of her face, and they may keep theirs. Good with other dogs, not that we would know.
Sounds like an excellent risk. ...See more
Lacy Marsh These dogs are mental cases with bad genetics and a serious aggression problem no joke they will kill you out of know where. No kids No other Animals No humans Period is what is should say. Sickos.
Hannah Honey And no outside!!
Is someone realllly going to ignore all that?
DJuana Jean Flowers I am well disliked by members of my neighborhood for speaking out on our fb page. Had to block some people who would verbally attack me for saying anything against their , or their friend's breed of dog.
Like17 hrs
Hannah Honey I don't have a fan club either, but I'm that person that ten years later everyone says, "oh you were right."
My husband, in fact, said he was going to put that on his gravestone. I should have held him to it.
Like116 hrs

Tiffany Allen Unfortunately I can't say anything because even though it's against the rules my husband is only an airman and if i tick off the wrong person it could come back to bite him in the butt
Like116 hrs

Now this seems to be the latest parlor trick the Dj's trying to pull on people by adding the word "Type" to the description "pit bulls" allows the haters to add many more breeds/types to the ever growing list of dogs they call pit bulls which already includes more then thirty actual breeds and types.

Just for the record Tiffany this is a pit bull......

Please Tiffany Allen do everyone a favor and try doing a bit of research prior to posting a dog that's obviously not a pit bull but yet another victim to the notorious Anti Pit Bull Lobby.

Now these people claim to be acting in the best interests of community safety whereas the reality is they as big a danger as any dog could be with their constant trolling and cyber bullying these people honestly need to grow up and stop acting so self entitled.

The fact is their dangerous disinformation and propaganda are no doubt contributing to the above average death toll in America for the third year running and breed specific legislation does nothing to address the 128 deaths involving non pit bull dogs between 2005 and 2015 these people seem comfortable sacrificing all these victims of non pit bull type dogs in order to achieve pit bull extinction.

more to come.....

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