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Monday, 26 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby is using Santa to sell their message of fear and hate.....

The anti Pit Bull Lobby is using Santa to try and sell their message of hate, is nothing sacred to these people other then killing pit bulls they are truly desopicable.

As you can see these people are adding to the communities false sense of security around non pit bull types specifically leading people to think non pit bulls don't attack and kill people which is complete nonsense as over 30 breeds and types of dogs have attacked and killed humans actions which are undoubtedly contributing to the escalated death toll for the third year running.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.

It's apparent that these people have no legitimate science or data supporting their kill all pit bulls campaign so they make stuff up.

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Dawn James well, what can i say, except, I love this.

good job.

Now Facebook seems to allow these haters to meme and post pictures of other users whereas you post a picture of Colleen Lynn despite the fact she claims to be a public figure your post will be removed and you'll get Facebook restrictions and it's the same with the cry baby Dj's pictures post them and his 15 followers will use their 250 fake Facebook accounts to mass report you and have your post removed from Facebook.

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You'll never ever hear these people mention the 128 deaths that involved non pit bull types between 2005- 2015 as they don't really care about or for victims they're using victims to sell their pit bull extinction message.

Sadly, it is a reality. Never let family members near pit bulls this holiday season; doing so could be disastrous!

Not even the reindeer get spared from their ruthless campaign of hate and fear mongering.


What sort of people would use Christmas in particular Santa Claus to sell their message of hate and death.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
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Dawn James those are REAL nutter xmas decorations

Well it's extremely obvious these people are willing to use any methods at their disposal thankfully for pit bulls they're just not real smart and don't realize this type of behavior actually turns people away from their campaign as opposed to attracting new followers.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.

They seem to work each other into a frenzy with each post becoming increasingly disturbing.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
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So not only are they willing to use Santa in their hate campaign but they even actually refer to Pit Bulls wearing Santa outfits Satan.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
13 hrs
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LikeReply15 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe Great! 😁
LikeReply15 hrs

The fact is if their campaign had any legitimate legitimate data or information supporting their arguments they wouldn't need to carry on like juveniles attacking all things sacred in order to achieve extinction for pit bulls.

They just don't seem to realize all this hysterical fanaticism is alerting the general public to the lunacy that is breed specific legislation advocacy and Bsl is falling down increasingly throughout the world.

Each and every day these people demonstrate all the reasons no-one should listen to a word they say they're liars, stalkers, cyber bully's and attacking Santa trying to ruin Christmas for children with pit bulls..

They're not public safety or victims advocates they're dangerously delusional psychopaths.

more to come.....

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