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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The anti Pit Bull Lobby just can't deal with the truth?

Actually Marie it says that they're human as American Pit Bull Terriers are one of the hardest breeds to identify as unlike most other breeds there's no real uniform coloring or markings unique to Apbt's.

The survey was done by the University of Florida and published in The Veterinarian Journal cited by the National Canine Research Council. 

Doesn't say much for our vets now does it?
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Jane Brown omg. Online vet courses now too, just like their VET TECHs??
Like315 hrs
Pamela Lee Becking I've got it figured out. They're pit bulls until they are drenched in the blood of the animal or person they've mauled. Then they magically morph into lab mixes.
Like815 hrs
Chantal Conscience-di Renzo Wow and they are not good at math even LOL
Like415 hrs
Carol Miller Check for a connection between the AFF and the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Florida.

Big grants bring whatever "research" the AFF wants.
Like411 hrs
Gwendolyn Hanan GOOD GRIEF! !! That meme would turn ANYONE into a grammar nazi! !
Like39 hrs
Dana Renfrow Why the fuck did they use Kermit sipping tea? That wasn't clever, let alone spelled worth a shit. Ha. HA.
Like37 hrs
Marie McGrath BINGO, sent this back to T.H. letting him know how this makes them look, he rejected putting it on his page. Truth hurts doesn't it buddy?
Like24 hrs
Jeff Borchardt

As you can see by their comments they demonstrate all the qualities of people suffering from cognitive dissonance rejecting legitimate reliable data and information from reputable sources because it exposes or refutes their core beliefs which are formed using lies, disinformation  & propaganda.

Below is an excerpt from the actual article.....

"The first3 was an expanded 2012 survey of over 5,000 dog experts - veterinarians, breeders, trainers, shelter staff, groomers, rescuers, and others - who visually assessed breeds in dogs in a series of photographs.

Their assessments were then compared to DNA breed profiles of the dogs. For the purposes of the survey, a response was considered "accurate" if it named any of the breeds DNA analysis had detected in the dog, no matter how many other breeds had been detected, and whether or not the breed guessed was a predominant breed in the dog.

Since, in almost every dog multiple breeds had been detected, there were lots of opportunities to be correct. However, the respondents were only correct in naming at least one of the breeds detected by DNA analysis less than 1/3 of the time.

And no profession did significantly better than any other. Every profession’s responses, in total, were correct less than 1/3 of the time."

They've decided to criticize my "grammar" as opposed to actually responding to the content of the meme which when posted to The Anti Breedism Alliance included the source and the information posted above so their followers could follow the link and confirm the meme content for themselves.

It seems clear to most average people that these people are fanatics using fear mongering and sensationalist type tactics to try and exploit the dog bite fatalities in order to achieve pit bull extinction and when confronted by legitimate science based data and information they turn to bullying and juvenile attacks on spelling.

At least bad spelling is not costing innocent people their lives like the disinformation and propaganda these people promote seems to be doing with members of the community being lulled in to a false sense of security believing that parents only need to worry anout pit bulls which clearly is not the case with over thirty types and breeds of dogs having been involved in deadly attacks on humans.

According to's own statistics 128 people have died as a result of attacks involving non pit bull types dogs between 2005 and 2015 and unless we want another 128 deaths in the coming decade we'll turf breed specific legislation and follow the majority of actual professional advice which recommends breed neutral owner specific legislation to protect the community from all dangerous dogs.

more to come.....

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