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Thursday, 29 December 2016

Pit Bull owners labeled as "terrorists" following a peaceful demonstration in Michigan

The reason pit bull owners protested this "Art" display is basically because the creator did absolutely no research to confirm any of the victims or the dogs involved were actually what they were represented to be, a recent investigation showed that over 70% of the dogs labeled as pit bulls by in 2016 were actually mixed breed mutts being presented as pit bulls..

If you visit the site please click on their "citations" which are little more then links to news media stories and all of the older ones are expired and lead nowhere their alleged statistics are nonsense gathered from media reports with no follow up research or investigation..

Lets not forget how victims of Pit Bulls are treated after the dog is done.
Protect Children From Pit Bulls And Other Dangerous Dogs
Pit Bull owners and their dogs block the memorial for victims of dangerous dogs. Family of victims were afraid to attend for fear of being attacked and reoccurring PTSD issues. Six year old (pit bull attack survivor) Kaylie Baker Foster was forced to cancel her trip to this event for obvious reasons.It is so cruel and sad because this is such a healing event for survivors and family of victims to honor those who did not survive. The attack on pit bull survivor/victims is never over.
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Now if you click on the time this post was published it will take you to the post in the Anti pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed
Facebook group where you can see the comment above by Aaron B Wood, now I've caught Aaron out a number of times changing headlines, changing images in news stories etc etc all the same stuff done by the majority of breed specific legislation proponents.

And Aarons up to his old tricks claiming this protest came out of the blue when in reality the protest was organized on social media and even mentioned on mainstream media prior to actually happening, so to say it was "out of the blue' is a flat out lie.

Then Aaron repeats allegations made at the time of the protest which are not true or accurate in any way.

Aaron claims the protest came out of the blue whereas it was mentioned in this Fox 17 news article prior to the event you really can't trust anything Aaron says relating to pit bulls he hates them and is extremely bias against them and their owners.

“Out of the Blue” ArtPrize memorial for dog attack victims stirs breed ...

Sep 25, 2014 

The victims in the memorial were attacked by Rottweilers, Bullmastiffs and mixed breeds, but mostly by pit bulls. Kowal said she is only reporting what the family of the victims have reported.
“The way we have dealt with the increased attacks by bullied breeds is by this kind of strange dysfunctional family stuff that says hey, let’s just hide it, and persecute the people who bring this to light,” said Kowal.
Then on Sunday at 10 a.m. a group will lead a protest at the exhibit, see their Facebook page, ART PRIZE: Don’t bully my bully."
Source.... Fox-17

As you can (below) the allegations being repeated by Aaron were investigated at the time and no evidence was found of any wrong doing and no reports were filed in relation to the event with the local police indicating that Aaron is lying again or still depending on how you look at it.

County defends animal control officer who protested ArtPrize memorial ..

"GRAND RAPIDS, MI – An animal control officer who participated in a protest that riled an ArtPrize artist did nothing to violate county policy, Kent County officials said Friday.
Artist Joan Marie Kowal has criticized the behavior of demonstrators at her memorial to dog attack victims, constructed on Calder Plaza. Pit bulls are among the dogs that killed the victims featured in the exhibit, and some pit-bull owners have demonstrated in front of the entry with their dogs.
Pit bull critics have circulated photos of the protest via social media. And some have targeted the actions of a Kent County animal control officer who was one of the people who took her pit bull to Calder Plaza at some point over the weekend. Critics claim the pro-pit bull group intimidated art viewers and defaced Kowal’s entry." 
“Allegations that the display was blocked and/or defaced have been made via social media. We have contacted the Grand Rapids Police, who tell us no police reports were filed and no citations were given to the employee. No evidence of wrongdoing or violation of employee policy have been recorded. This employee was on her own personal time, as a member of the general public, near an artwork entered in an international competition.”

Source..... Michigan Live

 These people had as much right to peacefully protest his woman's art as she had to erect it in the first place and i'm guessing she knew well in advance the level of controversy attached to demonizing pit bulls in this way she got what she wanted and that was attention and awareness and everyone is well aware of the lie and disinformation being promoted by these people in their hate campaign against both pit bulls and their owners.

As you can see in the comments section if you follow the link they are calling peaceful protesters "terrorists" all because they exercised their rights under the constitution of the United States of American, the level of self entitlement in these people is truly astounding.

more to come.....

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