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Friday, 23 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby seems obsessed with The Anti Breedism Alliance

Marie McGrath seems obsessed with "The Anti Breedism Alliance" she trolls the page daily attacking any and everything posted to the page she seems to think there's only one admin on the page whereas there's a team of admins running the page.

2 days ago I was pm'd a screen shot from a fan in the screen shot from April Jeff D Borchardt can be seen challenging any and all anti breed specific legislation advocates to "debate" him there's only one small flaw he directed the post at me knowing full well he had me blocked so I could neither see the post or respond to it.

I immediately posted the screen shot accepting his challenge and as of the time of doing this blog post there's been nothing but the sound of crickets from Jeff D Borchardt who is obviously too scared to actually debate me or any other advocate.

Marie has taken it upon herself to defend the Dj in spite of his deafening silence.

Here you go lil buddy, a screenshot you asked for. Let's talk blocking. Every group on your side has blocked me & probably all of us at that. Therefore this makes a joke out of yourself. We are the ones opened to debate but you guys can't handle it. Even my bf finds you insanely funny, his words "Pull up your big boy panties & debate what you believe in & stop being afraid of a woman online.".
Marie McGrath He has this on his page wanting to challenge Jeff but not man enough to unblock any of us. Lol
Like157 mins

Marie has been trolling our page abusing people and sharing her anti pit bull propaganda and abusing our page fans so naturally we blocked her to protect our followers from Marie's particular brand of advocacy which seems more like thuggery then advocacy.

And we all know what lives are more important to them to save, it's not humans.
Dana Renfrow "Spreading truth to save lives" = trolling, insults, bashing, libel, victim-shaming, threatening messages. Ooohh yes, saving lives alright! Dumbass.
Like68 hrsEdited
Dana Renfrow 1 million dead pit bulls, dozens of people, thousands of dogs, cats, livestock, all in one year. They need to step up their game, because all they do is cause more deaths with their pit fanatical bullshit.
Like88 hrs

Dana Renfrow above is one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever encountered and the irony of her statement is enormous given her willingness to stalk anti Bsl advocates with many blogs featuring her handy work she's a liar and a bully to boot.

Hey T.H. just saw a comment where you guys called J.B. a coward for blocking you? Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree now does it? You blocked me then tried saying I blocked you. We all know the truth here. You & I were in a debate. I had no problem keeping it going then suddenly I could no longer comment. Not much of a man here I see. So before you knock someone for something, look in the mirror first. Oh, I'm still open for a debate if you are. Up to you .
Marie McGrath The point was That he did block me instead the other way around. He's snooping on this page so much, its how I communicate with him. He called you a coward for blocking him when he does the same thing.
Like26 hrs
Clark Ay Caramba I've blocked a few Nutters... just not the same patience some of you have. I figure the Nutters are beyond rational debate or otherwise convincing of the vicious potential / nature of pit bulls... thus not worth wasting time on. Having said that, I am in no way discouraging others from lively Nutter debate. It helps keep the edge to see if they are coming up with new myths, triggers, illogic, red herrings, hand-wringing, etc.
Like6 hrs

Yes that's right I called Jeff Borchardt a coward because he's too gutless to follow up on his challenge he issued the challenge and now having been made aware of it I've accepted his challenge and suddenly he's missing in action?

His silence in this speaks volumes for his character and true nature....

Thank you for the award of the week T.H.. For posting the article of that woman picking up the stray dog with her child in the car. Yes uncle I am a hater of evert pit bull but you failed "AGAIN" to notice I said any dog in my comment, not pit bull. Once again you showed absolutely no concern for that child, much less that woman's safety.
Lisa Padgett They left off the 2nd half of the quote..... “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence.”
― Oscar Wilde
Joy Bailey 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Autocorrect NEVER changes "breed" to "bread!" NEVER!
Like119 hrs
Lisa Padgett bread breed bread breed
You're right!
Like313 hrs

Thanks Marie but it was one of the other admins that gave you that award but I'll pass on your regards anyway.

Nothing wrong with public education here. Got this from breedism after she cried when I took a post of hers. She wants her groupies to make this viral, well my friend, let's not disappoint her. Too many people still out there that need the truth. Jeff is making a positive move in his journey & the pit bull advocates are so upset , they call him a predator. You're getting to them means you're doing good.
Karen Branson Wait... where is he getting these t-shirts?
Karen Branson Jeff Borchardt Show me what you've got! I've been asking for t-shirts for 2-3 years now! I have an old dogsbite one but I feel it's too "mild" and it's all worn out now anyway. Despite that, it has spurred many conversations in grocery stores, while out with my dog, etc.
Karen Branson I was hoping for something a little more direct. Like the Daxton's Friends on the front, and a list of fatalities and ages on the back - that sort of thing. Or maybe the pie chart of fatalities, or statistics. More attention-getting!
Karen Branson Jeff Borchardt Where can I get that one?

Public "shaming" is not education Marie unless you consider the fact it makes everyone aware of exactly how much of a bully this man is in real life.....

It's funny how the pit bull advocates call us animal haters when the only animal they advocate is the pit bull. Pits kill more humans & animals then any animal. We are the ones advocating for humans & other animals but the Pitters don't see where other lives matter.
Pamela Lee Becking If pit nutters really cared about animals, they'd care about the thousands of innocent animals that their maulers injure and kill every year. However, you never hear a word out of them in the way of concern or sympathy for the victims of their maulers. They will twist the story of the attack so that they can blame the victim.
Valerie Brown Let's not forget about all the adoptable dogs and puppies that are euthanized every year because our shelters are infested with unadoptable Pits and rather than make room for these pets, Pit advocates demand the unadoptables take up the space while the nice dogs get killed.
Pamela Lee Becking Valerie Brown That's the worst crime of all. Dogs that people would want to adopt are being put to sleep so that pit bulls can take up space.
Valerie Brown Stinks, don't it? So people by from backyard breeders and puppy mills and even more dogs suffer because of Pit Bulls and those that push them.
Pamela Lee Becking Cyn Rzeznik I'd go home with no dog rather than risk my or my family's life with a pit bull.
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Cyn Rzeznik An alligator would be safer. It would be kept in a pit,everyone seeing it would know it is dangerous and it would be treated accordingly

These people really can't handle the truth and the fact is the American Bar Association brought a resolution calling on all law makers to reject breed specific legislation and Marie struggles to deal with actual facts as do her fellow thugs.

Uncle is daydreaming again.
Gwendolyn Hanan LMAO!!! NAILED IT
Gwendolyn Hanan That guy is CERTIFIABLY insane, someone needs to start an EP on that loonytune!
Marie McGrath Saw where uncle reposted this with my comment above. Crying his lil eyes out BC I pick on him. On the count of 3 guys 1 2 3 "poor baby".
Marie McGrath I'm not the one butthurt here boy. If it's too hot in the kitchen, then get the ____ out. Children shouldn't be allowed here.

All the memes I make are constructed using authentic legitimate statistics and facts and when I post them I generally include a paragraph from the source and a link to the source and these guys hate it.

Of course some agree. If not, that means less money. While others want to see a safer side.
Lori Janusky Lots double talk

Another fact based meme that absolutely chaffs their butts because they have nothing but Clifton's musings he calls statistics and the ramblings of a failed phone psychic.

Dana Renfrow Tell me, what has a "wait and see" attitude toward pit bulls done for society so far? It has cost LIVES. What a paid pit pusher says is as worthless as the idiot who quoted them on this meme.
Dana Renfrow So fucking funny. He fell out of his mom's pouch as a baby and rolled down a cliff. There were a lot of trees on the way down.
Dana Renfrow There is just no taking him seriously. Boy, he sure does hate you though.

Marie seems to be working herself into a bit of a state she just can't handle too much truth in one hit.

Jeff, breedism is going to make me pee my pants laughing. They posted pictures of Dax & Susan & in the same post, belly ache about my posting a post of theirs. Poor baby.

Marie regularly posts long winded rants that make little to no sense as their generally based on fictional characters that live only in her head.

Breedism , that's what we do. You on the other hand could care less of non pit bull breed. Or any other animal for that fact. A pit goes into another yard, mauls another dog , "why was the dog in its own yard left alone?". That's your response a as long as the pit is OK.


I'm not sure who Marie is talking to in this post given they block every advocate that comments in their group.

All you pit bull advocates out there that keep coming to this page, I have a question if you are really up to answering. When you come to this page , why is it you posts things then expect an answer knowing full well you block the person in question. Is there a magical logic to your thinking. You want a response but block before its given. Hmmm
Marie McGrath 20? Cyn, you are extremely generous .
Maria Tsotos Tzavaras Cause they couldn't handle the answer and they know it, blocking makes them feel like they are right!

Marie had a melt down when I posted the story about John P Colby's nephew being killed by a Boston Terrier she went into melt down mode.

I couldn't save this but was only able to share, please check out Anti breedism alliance plea to Facebook, this was after they pulled together a petition to knock Jeff off fb.
Tony Solesky That would be like a bunch drunks banning together to protest the efforts of MADD.
Dennis Baker Exactly.

The fact is Jeff now claims the whole peanut butter thing was a beat up by the pit bull lobby whereas he apologized for the comment but now denies it, hes a bold faced liar and a coward.

Check out anti breedisms page, 5 the post down where they claim not only their side of the peanut butter story but where Jeff was forced to apologize.

Now I shared a post about death threats to the Montreal Mayor now I did not "like" the post and I did not add any narrative to the post I just shared it and now Marie attributes the headline to me claiming it's hate speech by me?

Found it. Whos hate speech?
Joy Bailey Killing the mayor won't magically get the ban overturned... 🙄
Darcy Hussin Gray Mental illness abounds in these people
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Not surprised...I knew Terry Holtergeist was a dirty b-stard when he deleted comments of himself basically calling some victim advocates ugly...they disappeared VERY quickly after a post showing his comments appeared in one of our public groups.
Inside...See more
Heather Clemenceau Could someone please share this with the Mayor? They love to talk about protesting Montreal by not visiting. I doubt these people would even be allowed across the border anyway.

Actually Marie both of those pages are over a year old and all things foamers is actually a replacement after your lot got the original taken down because you just can't handle legitimate facts and information.

ALL GOOD BULLS, all things foamer is uncles new public page. I posted awhile back on comment he made towards Montreal's mayor. Uncle posted it & is trying to get me for hate speech when I just did a screen shot.
Marie McGrath Suddenly I don't see it anymore. Maybe someone told him that it was his comment & I just screenshot it.
Tina Pounds He is clearly an idiot.

This is what these people call advocacy if a rival page posts something they disagree with or they just can't counter with a decent response they attack the page generally mass reporting the page in an effort to have the page removed from Facebook.

We all should go to Anti breedism alliance as I did & leave a review. Mine knocked them down a notch. Was already banned but it went through.

On a lighter note I done this meme as the Bsl proponents seem to actual believe their own nonsense stats and made up stories.

My comment is " If pit bull advocates brains were made out of leather, they wouldn't have enough to saddle a flea."
Lalania Worley *Laiden.* Typical illiterate pitiot.
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Futile attempt to make himself appear intelligent.
We already know nutters suffer from "statistical data denial syndrome" but in this loser's case the syndrome is compounded by his limited intellect.
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Perhaps I should start a SDDS page dedicated to dog fatalities/injuries stats...
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Statistical Data Denial Syndrome[SDDS] -A mental disorder in which the sufferer refuses to believe proven factual statistical data, or cannot properly comprehend such data resulting in denial as well.
The most common people to manifest symptoms of SDDS are bully breed/pitbull advocates (they are in complete denial of/fail to properly comprehend the yearly 🐕 fatality stats).
Dana Renfrow The whole point of Willy Wonka is lost in Derpy Holt's attempt at witty memes.

The fact is stalking and cyber bullying are the foundation stones their so called advocacy is built on and the reason is there's no legitimate science based data or information supporting their position so they're left with little alternative but to make up stuff and lie just like they do.

Don't see any love here uncle, looks like fear in those kids faces to me.

I'm not going to hold my breathe waiting for Jeff to respond as i expect he'll stay silent as he rarely actually responds to men he prefers to bully women in children as a rule.

Marie why not just ask Jeff to respond to my acceptance of his challenge and either "put up or shut up"?

more to come.....

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