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Saturday, 31 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby's Number 1 Troll, a hopeless spamaholic! TC.

Please meet Thomas McCartney.....

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Thomas uses Facebook for 2 reasons the first being to follow LeAnn Rhimes as he seems obsessed with her and the second being to launch and co-ordinate his mass spamming of all and any news articles that mention the keywords , "dog attack" &/or "pit bull" because he hates pit bulls.

Police are looking for a Pit Bull and its owner after the dog attacked an 8-year-old boy while playing.
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Keith Ramsey Yet another story of a dog attack where the first thing said.. It was a Pitt Bull... Yet most of these people wouldn't know what a Pit Bull looks like. And are dumb enough to attack a breed of dog with lack of information.
LikeReply105 hrs
Pam Crouse Let the "they are wonderful dogs if they're raised right' preachers flood the post....hope the child is ok, emotionally too
LikeReply2110 hrs
Thomas McCartney Classic nutter argument: "In the 70's it was German Shepherds, in the 80's it was Dobermans, and in the 90s it was Rottweilers."

I gathered some numbers of fatal dog maulings to use when responding to this particular bit of idiocy. Mixes were included...See more
LikeReply31 hr
Thomas McCartney Little Rock, Arkansas
Population 189,515...See more
LikeReply31 hr
Thomas McCartney Over 1000 years ago The Invading Roman Legions of the English Islands brought with them the Roman Alaunt war dogs which they then mixed with the English Mastiff, the outcome of this careful breeding process of the two dog types was the Ol English Bulld...See more
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Thomas McCartney ALEXANDRA SEMYONOVA, animal behaviorist

You will also not prevent the dog from being what he is genetically predisposed to be. Because the inbred postures and behaviors feel good, fitting the body and brain the dog has been bred with, they are interna...See more
LikeReply11 hr
Thomas McCartney My Legislation Proposal to be enacted by all states,
cities and counties in the US & Canada....See more
LikeReply21 hr
Thomas McCartney First, second and third we want, need and should demand public safety and personal security.

Anything that stands in the way of this must be removed, not changed, not modified, not altered but Removed completely....See more
LikeReply31 hr
Thomas McCartney The All dogs are in danger by BSL is a red herring designed by pit bull type dog advocacy to deflect and obfuscate the focus from where it belongs, all dogs that are pit bull type dogs with pit bull Genetic lineage with a direction connection genetical...See more
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Thomas McCartney Ottumwa, Iowa
Population 24,998...See more
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Thomas McCartney Fort Lupton, Colorado
Population 6,787
When the City of Fort Collins was mulling a pit bull law in March 2009, Fort Lupton's Police Chief spoke about Fort Lupton's successful 2003 pit bull ban, including zero pit bull biting incidents since the law's ...See more
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Vicki Brooks The owner needs to come forward because he or she cannot control the animal, and I am gonna say this again people should be allowed to have big dogs in apartments
LikeReply12 hrs
Lusi Benitez See, I got bit by a dog today as well, there was no blood but it still left it's teeth marks on my leg. A neighbor saw it happen, he told me it wasn't the first time this dog had bit someone. Last time there was blood and the cops were called. The own...See more
LikeReply511 hrs
Thomas McCartney Pit bulls killed 24,000 other dogs & 13,000 cats in 2015

The approximately 3.5 million pit bulls in the U.S. appear to have killed more than 24,000 other dogs in 2015, up from about 15,500 each in 2013 and 2014; nearly 13,000 cats; perhaps 9,000 hoove...See more
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Holly Hill Maybe they should be going door to door in the complex if that's where it happened. Alto of people hide animals from the complex and they will never know an animal is there til they walk in
LikeReply15 hrs
Thomas McCartney Pit bulls have KILLED more people than every other breed COMBINED, every decade since 1851.

This is the genetic truth and it's outcome of the Pit Bull type dog then, now and hopefully for not much longer in the future.!!...See more
LikeReply21 hr
Thomas McCartney Record 32 fatal pit bull attacks & 459 disfigurements in 2015.

Fatal and disfiguring pit bull attacks are up 830% since 2007, when the Humane Society of the U.S., Best Friends Animal Society, and American SPCA ramped up pit bull advocacy after the arr...See more
LikeReply21 hr
Thomas McCartney Bully This—The Results Are In…
Thursday, September 26 2013 | Dr. Emily Weiss ...See more
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Julia Ryan Alleman I hope he is found, the dog put down, and he cant own animals again.
LikeReply911 hrs
Brian Galumbeck Not much information even stating about age of male, but not sure he is white or Latino! Sounds fishy. More to this story for sure!
LikeReply311 hrs
Thomas McCartney The difference between normal dogs and Pit Bull Type Dogs is that those non pit bull type dogs regardless of their size do not have an inherent genetic predisposition to Kill, Maul, Maim, Disfigure, Dismember, cause Life Flights or trips to the Intensi...See more
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Claudia Diaz If I ever see any loose dogs, I will report them to the animal control.
LikeReply510 hrs
Tiffany-Kevin Tito I have 2 pit bulls and they are the best ever. Any dog is capable of attack depending on how they are raised. Its not breed specific.
LikeReply1 hr
Johnny Vasquez Jr. I think he will be at the NYE bash performing, please take him away and lock him up.
LikeReply110 hrs
Gilbert Rios Dont blame the dog blame the owner
LikeReply711 hrs
Thomas McCartney 126 of the 148 human beings killed by dogs in the US since Jan. 2013 were killed by Pit Bull Type Dogs.

32 Dead by Dog attack in the USA and Canada so far in 2016...See more
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Thomas McCartney Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Pit bulls are not only problematic in large cities; they threaten mid-sized cities and small towns as well. Located in the heartland, Council Bluffs, Iowa has about 60,000 citizens....See more
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As you can see Thomas literally floods news threads with disinformation and propaganda all compliments of all the usual pit bull hate sites they all reject all the reputable science based data and information from legitimate sources in favor of posting  scam alleged statistics.

Thomas considers this to be in the best interests of the community and he's been doing it for years now and generally the sites seem to let him get away with it strangely as it's spam plain and simple.

As you can see all of TM's meme's are accompanied by some disinformation from Merrit Clifton an ex-journo who takes media reports and turns them into statistics he enjoys absolutely no support from the broader animal community.

Thomas is a foot soldier in the war being waged against American Pit Bull Terriers his mindless endless posts serve no real purpose other then to try and brain wash people into believing the hype and hysteria terror campaign being perpetrated against both pit bulls and their owners by media and haters.

more to come.....

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