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Monday, 26 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby celebrate cops killing pets claiming they only kill pit bulls which is utter nonsense!!

Every ninety eight minutes!!!!!

Ironically for Maria the first video in this compilation features a pet lured out of their own yard and then murdered by a police man and the true twist is the dog was a golden retriever and these people support this type of behavior by the police not only do they support it they applaud and promote it as evidenced by their comments.

"for just acting like a dog" lol they were all pits and no they were charging at the officer.

Police The Police
Don't police kill enough dogs already?!
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Pamela Lee Becking I don't see the police shooting any chihuahuas, poodles, cocker spaniels, jack russells, border collies, irish setters or any number of other dog breeds. The only dogs that seem to get shot are pit bulls. There's a reason for that. Pit bulls have a nasty tendency toward attacking police officers and if they're being threatened by a vicious dog they are well within their rights to eliminate the threat.
Like923 hrs
Karen Branson Omg - did you read the sickening comments?
Like323 hrs
Maria Tsotos Tzavaras Brain dead people
Like223 hrs
Christine M. Sweet They had a right to shoot the pit bulls. I think the title of the video is misleading. I didn't see any family pets, all I saw were pit bulls being shot.
Like519 hrsEdited
Dawn Dalyce sorry.....but our policemen do not have to take a bite from your beast before they protect themselves !
Like617 hrs
Darcy Hussin Gray I would defend myself the same way.
Like415 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Funny we have had the police here for numerous complaints against the people next door and gee our dogs think it is great to have visitors and the cops have never felt threatened
Like513 hrs
Brad Cook Wait. I'm confused. Is the entire video from Police the Police? Because if it is, they're stupid. Every video shows the officer in question being completely justified as each dog charges them.
Like712 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell There were a few I couldn't get a complete view but several were in full attack mode and would have had the cop on the ground in a second.
Like412 hrs
Brad Cook Ok I see now.
Like112 hrs
Katya Durán Even I would put a leash on my chihuahua when a stranger (for my dog) comes over... I don't want it barking at the front door or risking its life if it get lost...
Like69 hrs
Aaron B Wood there have been pit owners that have outright claimed that pit bull attacks are "normal dogs will be dogs behaviour"
Like69 hrs
Christine M. Sweet I noticed in the thumb nail, it shows a daschund, then when the video plays, it's all pit bulls.
Like78 hrs
Maria Tsotos Tzavaras They always blame the small yappy ones.
Like17 hrs
A Curtis Rutledge PIT BULLS will kill !!! IF one charge at me....its dead! Its on the owner to make sure that dog don't charge at anybody! SMH!!
Like37 hrs
Rick Duncan Any time any dog comes out the door at a stranger, that stranger does not know the dog, or idiot owner, and should perceive that action as,a threat. I have been charged at many times by moronic people's dogs, and there is no way to tell with certainty which ones just "want to say hi", from the ones that will bite. If it's a pit bull, never take the smallest chance.
Like46 hrs
Catherine M Bear I swear it seems like the people in the houses see it's the police and when they answer the door they let the pit out to get them, completely justified!
Like139 mins
Rick Duncan I also hate those extendable leashes that let the dog go as far from the owner as they want....right up to your crotch sometimes...I show them my extendable boot. Why does the concept of "personal space" not apply to pets? No one wants another person to come real close and "sniff" them. And dogs are just like people, right?
Like111 mins

Typically these people are delusional the reality is police kill innocent family pets every day (1 every 98 minutes) and they're not just shooting pit bulls they'll shoot anything that moves and if it doesn't move they just may well shoot it anyway!

An elderly woman's pet shot in cold blood in it's own back yard the officer had illegally entered (Staffy).....

Body Cam Shows Cop Walk into Backyard and Shoot and Kill a ...

Topeka, KS — “Josie” was a 26-pound miniature pinscher-boxer mix, who was rescued seven years ago, and became a beloved member of 72-year-old Harriette Macnish’s family.

Read more at.....

Another pet shot in cold blood and again German shepherd mix not a pit bull this time the officer deliberately opened the door so he could shoot the woman's pet!

Caldwell, ID — On August 18, two Caldwell police officers went to the home of Crystal Holden and Alinah Stelly to serve Holden with a warrant. Instead of just serving the woman with a warrant, however, one of the officers killed their dog. The incident was captured on both of the officers’  body cameras.

"pulled out his pistol and shot the 85-pound German Shepherd-mix."

Read more at.....

In this case the policeman made whistling noises and lured the pet out and shot him until he was dead RIP Maximus (alleged to be pit bull).....

Texas Officer Lures Dog Over With Kissing Sounds, Then Shoots Him ...

"A Cleburne, Texas police officer is under investigation after shooting and killing a dog that, he says, acted aggressively toward him.
In the video, the officer can be heard luring the dogs, who are both wagging their tails and NOT aggressively approaching him, by making kissing noises, all while aiming his gun at the pair. 
He then repeatedly fires at Maximus, killing him. In the video, Maximus can be seen limping and injured. Rather than seek medical attention for the dog, the officer continues firing until he is dead." (It's the first video in the compilation)

And again a family pet shot by a policeman and again not a pit bull but a chocolate Labrador service dog.

Major Settlement in Case of Dog Shooting by Colorado Officer ...

On January 25, the owner of a therapy dog named Chloe who was shot and killed by a Colorado police officer in 2012 reached a landmark settlement over Chloe’s unlawful killing. Commerce City agreed to pay $262,500 to Gary Branson and his family, according to media reports
 Officer Robert Price shot Chloe five times at close range, and neighbors videotaped the incident. The officer was charged but acquitted of criminal aggravated animal cruelty in 2013,
 In 2012, a Maryland jury awarded $620,000 in a case where two sheriff’s deputies shot a chocolate Labrador named Brandi when they entered the dog owner’s home while attempting to serve a body attachment (similar to a warrant). The jury’s award was later reduced by the appellate court to just over $200,000. Brooks v. Jenkins, 220 Md. App. 444 (2014). In an earlier case, the worst possible plaintiffs (the Hells Angels) extracted more than $900,000 in damages after San Jose officers shot three dogs during the execution of search warrants at multiple locations.
What should you do if you witness a dog being injured or killed by law enforcement? Visit our resources on “Dogs Shot by Cops: Companion Animals and Law Enforcement” and find out more.
The shooting of dogs by police officers is a systemic issue nationwide, with the Department of Justice estimating that about 10,000 dogs are shot by cops every year in the United States. The documentary Of Dogs and Men, which was produced in association with ALDF and premiered at the Austin Film Festival in November 2015, examines this important issue by tracing the stories of families and their victim dogs and interviewing law enforcement. The film includes the story of Chloe from the Commerce City case, and an interview with owner Gary Branson.

(A picture of a victim just prior to being thrown down 2 flights of stairs and then shot 7 times in front of stunned witnesses at a ball game because of the way he looked! RIP Coco)  

Police and dogs in the US have a complicated relationship. On the one hand, canines work for cops, sniffing for drugs and bombs. On the other hand, cops shoot dogs a lot—so much so that even law enforcement publications are asking, “Can police stop killing dogs?
This week, on Dec. 19, canine lovers were reminded of this violent phenomenon after a ruling came down from the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Michigan affirming that when police shot two pit bulls while executing a search warrant, they did not not violate the dogs owners’ constitutional rights to be free from unreasonable seizures.
Legally, a dog is property, and people in the US are constitutionally guaranteed the right to be free from unreasonable governmental seizures of property—killing counts as seizure—by the Fourth Amendment. Brown v. Battle Creek Police Department affirms these basic principles but found the dog killings justifiable (i.e., not unreasonable) in this case.

Puppycide Database Project

Horrifying Video Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg Of Cops Killing Dogs - Business Insider ... "No one keeps national statistics of how often police shoot dogs.

When a police officer kills someone’s companion animal, it deeply affects the animal’s human family, as well as the officer, the neighborhood and the community. This sad situation is all too common and the Animal Legal Defense Fund fields many calls asking for advice. Unfortunately, there is rarely a clear path to justice.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund is a proud sponsor of the award winning documentary Of Dogs & Men—which brings to light the need for humane dog training for police officers, to avoid the unnecessary deaths of dogs.

Link to video - "ofdogsandmen"

As if the situation wasn't bad enough already a rather questionable decision recently giving police free reign to kill pets as they please..... 

Court Rules Police Can Legally Execute Your Dog if It Does Anything ...

This is a decision these people support, applaud and encourage despite claiming to be public safety advocates when the reality is police kill someone's pet every 98 minutes, contrary to what these people insist they're not all pit bulls owned by criminals and drug lords most times they're pets owned by average people/families with no criminal connections whatsoever and often the police are at the wrong address and still shoot pets.

more to come.....

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