Every ninety eight minutes!!!!!
Ironically for Maria the first video in this compilation features a pet lured out of their own yard and then murdered by a police man and the true twist is the dog was a golden retriever and these people support this type of behavior by the police not only do they support it they applaud and promote it as evidenced by their comments.
"for just acting like a dog" lol they were all pits and no they were charging at the officer.

Typically these people are delusional the reality is police kill innocent family pets every day (1 every 98 minutes) and they're not just shooting pit bulls they'll shoot anything that moves and if it doesn't move they just may well shoot it anyway!
An elderly woman's pet shot in cold blood in it's own back yard the officer had illegally entered (Staffy).....
Body Cam Shows Cop Walk into Backyard and Shoot and Kill a ...
Topeka, KS — “Josie” was a 26-pound miniature pinscher-boxer mix, who was rescued seven years ago, and became a beloved member of 72-year-old Harriette Macnish’s family.
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Another pet shot in cold blood and again German shepherd mix not a pit bull this time the officer deliberately opened the door so he could shoot the woman's pet!
Another pet shot in cold blood and again German shepherd mix not a pit bull this time the officer deliberately opened the door so he could shoot the woman's pet!
Caldwell, ID — On August 18, two Caldwell police officers went to the home of Crystal Holden and Alinah Stelly to serve Holden with a warrant. Instead of just serving the woman with a warrant, however, one of the officers killed their dog. The incident was captured on both of the officers’ body cameras.
"pulled out his pistol and shot the 85-pound German Shepherd-mix."
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In this case the policeman made whistling noises and lured the pet out and shot him until he was dead RIP Maximus (alleged to be pit bull).....
Texas Officer Lures Dog Over With Kissing Sounds, Then Shoots Him ...
Puppycide Database Project
Horrifying Video Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg Of Cops Killing Dogs - Business Insider ... "No one keeps national statistics of how often police shoot dogs.
When a police officer kills someone’s companion animal, it deeply affects the animal’s human family, as well as the officer, the neighborhood and the community. This sad situation is all too common and the Animal Legal Defense Fund fields many calls asking for advice. Unfortunately, there is rarely a clear path to justice.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund is a proud sponsor of the award winning documentary Of Dogs & Men—which brings to light the need for humane dog training for police officers, to avoid the unnecessary deaths of dogs.
Link to video - "ofdogsandmen"
Court Rules Police Can Legally Execute Your Dog if It Does Anything ...
This is a decision these people support, applaud and encourage despite claiming to be public safety advocates when the reality is police kill someone's pet every 98 minutes, contrary to what these people insist they're not all pit bulls owned by criminals and drug lords most times they're pets owned by average people/families with no criminal connections whatsoever and often the police are at the wrong address and still shoot pets.
more to come.....
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