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Thursday, 22 December 2016

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby at it again calling American Bully's , Pit Bulls!

It's just another average day over in the Facebook hate group 'The Pit Bull Propaganda machine Revealed" and if it weren't so tragic it'd be hilarious these people claim to be public safety advocates and canine experts and yet they consistently call American Bully's pit bulls here's yet another example of their ignorance on display.

If you read their comments it's easily discernible that these people really hate pit bulls and their owners and they seem willing to lie and spread dangerous disinformation putting the community at risk in order to achieve their end game which seems to revolve around pit bull extinction with very little concern for the actual community as they willingly sacrificed the 128 victims of non pit bull types in the last decade and seem willing to sacrifice another 128 innocent souls in the net decade too?......

Nice fence, wonder how they got out :/
Extreme Dogs
When a hot girl walks by boys be like... :P
Credit : IG @carolinabullyfarmshawaii
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Hannah Honey Extreme dogs. Extreme stupidity is what they should call that page.
Darcy Hussin Gray No way is that fencing enough to secure those dogs!!
Karen Branson It's likely an electric fence, although with pit bulls, I doubt that would stop them if they saw something and went into attack mode.
Darcy Hussin Gray I figured it was electric, but i think a pit would go through it, if it wanted to go after prey.
Hannah Honey It will not and isn't recommended for pits
Like22 hrsEdited
Brandi Lynn Pit bulls do not care about electric fences. My time at animal control taught me that.
Hannah Honey Cyn, or they have an idiotic hero complex.
Save a dog, kill a kid. Idiots.
Like122 hrs
Anna Somma Ugliest I've ever seen!!!
Like18 hrs

They all seem to suffer the same impediments when it comes to identifying dog breeds/types and the reality is they've now added the "type" to their language so as to allow them to include many other breeds into the class they define as "pit bull types"  (more then 30 breeds/types) which is their underhanded way of killing more pets.

If these people were actually legitimate public safety orientated safety advocates as they claim surely they'd propmote and support legislation that protects the community from all breeds and types of dogs as opposed to promoting and supporting legislation which targets specific breeds while ignoring all other breeds/types.

The sad sorry truth is that between 2005 and 2015, 128 people mainly young children and the elderly died as a result of an attack involving non pit bull types and to put that into perspective that's one person per month each and every month over a decade and breed specific legislation does absolutely nothing to prevent another 128 deaths involving non pit bull types in the coming decade.

The Calgary Model has been shown to lower not only bite instances but the overall death toll as well hence it has the support of every mainstream legitimate animal organization in the world because it protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just "specific" types or breeds of dog.

more to come.....

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